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RohLLIKs's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Jasper (512MB) ma LT 1.1, 20GB disk bez banu, 2 pady jeden z toho drat..nabizej mi za to 4 tacy mam to brat?
  2. jo to sem mu napsat mohl ale prakticky teda nemuze delat nic ze :) jinak vidim zes byl jeste vcera na live..tos byl s flashnutou konzoli? ban mas/nemas?
  3. fox171 > nejspis jo ale s AP2.5 nic neudelas cize ti novy hry s novym dashem stejne nepujdou a jeste koupis ban
  4. no dobry ale to neni podelanym flashem...bud ti tu mechaniku dokurvil pajenim nebo z ni z nejakyho duvodu vyndal napajeni a zapomnel ho tam zasunout zpatky...cize si kup T8cku a muzes zacit rozdelavat :)
  5. jo u Fable se to uz vi ale u dalsich novinek neni jistota pac se jeste neprislo na to co AP spousti (teda takle to chapu C4Eva nikdo neda poradnou odpoved jen odcekava :) )...proto podle me neni bezpecny hrat jakykoliv novinky btw s tim offline banem sem mel tak dva tydny zpatky taky pravdu v topicu co sem zalozil v pokecu a delali ste tam ze me uplnyho kok*ta tak to nezkousejte znova :)
  6. wave 7 = AP2.5? ja myslim ze ne a prave AP2.5 je ten srac..a pokud vim tak ani C4Eva si neni 100%ne jisty jestli se AP nespousti i na starsim dashi..a taky nikdo jiste nevi jake hry ho maji ojtisek: proc bys nemohl na live stejne nemuzes ;)
  7. v abgx to nepoznas pac novy wavy nepoznava takze jedine to musi napsat uploader.. a ban dostanes ikdyz budes na live a jen instnes novej dash z dvd se hrou (o tom sem presvedceny ikdyz tomu tady hodne lidi neveri)
  8. tak si ty soubory proste zalohuj ne? kazdopadne zitra se nepripojovat! viz. http://www.xbox-scene.com/ (jo spamuju to kde se da ;) )
  9. piggy ma pravdu nvm proc to tady resime kdyz vime kulovy..kazdopadne zitra se nepripojovat a neupdatovat viz. http://www.xbox-scene.com/
  10. to neni pravda...na blacklistu muzu byt uz treba mesic. a to co rikate novackum "pokud jsi nebyl na live nedostanes" je blabol protoze -muzou banovat novejsim dashem, to proste nikdo nemuze vedet jiste. je to jak rikat ze LT je bezpecny.
  11. ne takle sem to nemyslel :) na waka sem updatnul to je "starsi" hra cize trochu starsi update (coz nenamena ze sme ten ban uz vsichni nekoupili, M$ nas muze mit na black listu a nasoli to vsem najednou jak ma ve zvyku..a konzole co jsou ted off a updatujou se off muzou dodatce po pripojeni poslat info ikdyz uz budou mit novejsi flash to sem myslel tim offline banem..jsou to jen spekulace, jiste to vedej jen u mrkvosu). ted proste nepolezu mesic na live ani nebudu updatovat z novejch her, treba budu mit stesti a vyhnu se banu novym fw.. ta vlna visi ve vzduchu to rikam ja ;)
  12. offline ban...ve chvili kdy se pak na live pripojim..se no vlastne nepripojim :) pac v updatu muze byt "spyware" od billa
  13. a to je co za sajtu? je to info verohodny a kde ho jakoze vzali? no ja kazdopadne neinstnu ani update co vyzaduje alan wake sem docela posranej.. ;)
  14. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\//\\//\\//\\// _ |_ _ \ \/ /_ _ _ \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\ //\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// ------------------------_|------_||_||_|--v1.0.2-------[http://abgx360.net]---- Checking for updates to abgx360.dat... Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving D:\XBOX ISOs\Forza\DVD I\Forza Motorsport 3-DVD1.dvd is valid Checking Game ISO: "D:\XBOX ISOs\Forza\DVD I\Forza Motorsport 3-DVD1.iso" Size: 7838695424 bytes (SplitVid 3rd or 4th wave) Files in ISO: 3055, Folders in ISO: 360 Total bytes used: 7211499889 (98.81%) Game appears to have random padding Checking default.xex Disc Number: 1 of 2 Original PE Filename: default.exe Original PE Timestamp: 2009/09/04 03:47:29 Game Name: Forza Motorsport 3 Developer: Turn 10 Studios Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios Genre: Racing No Avatar Awards Achievements: 50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore XEX CRC = 0A65EC19 XEX Media ID: D04B0F84D8B61E503D556C06-5DD89BE4 Region Code: 0x00FF0000 PAL Checking SS Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/08/28 00:00:00 Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/09/21 22:58:44 SS Version: 1 SS CRC = D992A149 (RawSS = 4C4BE5CB) SS Media ID: D04B0F84D8B61E503D556C06-5DD89BE4 (matches game) SS looks valid Checking DMI Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/08/28 00:00:00 (matches SS) DMI CRC = 8063FE19 DMI Media ID: D04B0F84D8B61E503D556C06-5DD89BE4 (matches game) DMI looks valid Checking PFI PFI CRC = 2A4CCBD3 PFI matches known data (3rd wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 or later) Video partition found Video CRC = 0E58FB9D (V0 = CF942E7B, V1 = 4809B37A) Video partition matches known data (3rd wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 or later) Stealth check passed! Starting Verification Looking for D992A1490A65EC19.ini in the online verified database Server file D992A1490A65EC19.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving Using D992A1490A65EC19.ini (360 bytes) Video CRC matches V0 CRC matches V1 CRC matches PFI CRC matches DMI CRC matches SS CRC matches Xex CRC matches AnyDVD style corruption was not detected Game CRC = 381BD0F3 Game partition CRC does not match the verified ini! There are 4 possibilities: 1. This is a bad rip (the most likely cause). If you're checking a DVD backup and have AnyDVD or a similar app installed, make absolutely sure the process is killed! If this is a scene release, search for it on abgx.net and look at the column "Bad CRC or Needs Fixing". If you see a <!> icon, hover over it with your mouse to read the alt text. If it says something like "Bad game data CRC" or gives the name of a fix (PPF patch), we already know about it. It's also highly recommended to run abgx360 again with AutoFix set to level 3 if you applied a PPF to make sure stealth files haven't been corrupted. See "What is AnyDVD style corruption?" in the GUI Quickstart tab for more info on game data corruption. 2. Your CPU/RAM/HDD/data bus is unstable and corrupted the data during extraction/burning or while checking the CRC. Make sure to run the sfv and try extracting it again (assuming you have the sfv/rars) and recheck the ISO/DVD to see if you get the same CRC. 3. Game data was intentionally modified for some reason. Microsoft does not take kindly to modifications for any purpose, and even benign changes to game data or settings will get you banned from Xbox Live! 4. The verified Game CRC in the database is wrong (very unlikely). Stealth was verified but game data wasn't
  15. takle sem to nemyslel :) btw sem to uplne nepatri ale kdyz mi obraz neprosel abgxem kvuli crc souctu muzu normalne chodit na live s jinejma hrama (s tou co neprosla hrat jen off)? nebo se to proste nevi?
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