Jak jsem tak prohlížel moje oblíbené stránky našel jsem již zmínku o novém custom fimwaru rozhodl jsem se o to s vámi podělit je skoro 99 % hotova..
Originální zpráva Dark Aley :
Original message of Dark Alex:
The only file that doesn' T decrypt is idcheck.prx. It' S easy to modify psardumper to not stop At that file, whose keys doesn' T seem to Be referenced in any of to decipher modules, and it doesn' T seem to Be used At all either, probably it has module for the future…
No need to say the decryption of that file is not neccesary At all for popsloader but 3.40 OE.
What can result in:
The only file which is not deciphered is idcheck.prx. It is easy to modify psardumper not to stop with this file, its keys do not seem to be referred in any the modules of decoding, and the file does not seem not used a whole. Undoubtedly a module which will be used in the future.
Useless to specify that the decoding of this file is useless for PopsLoader or a future 3.40OE "