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Vše od uživatele pigi01

  1. pigi01

    RGH nejde DVD mechanika

    tak to už je na mňa moc zložite :) kašlem na to ale ďakujem za snahu.Zapnem si PS4 :)
  2. pigi01

    RGH nejde DVD mechanika

    Xbox 360 asi Arcade + FLASH (MFR Date :2008-09-21)
  3. pigi01

    RGH nejde DVD mechanika

  4. pigi01

    RGH nejde DVD mechanika

    ANO fungovala mam asi 50 hier na dvd všetko šlo len po poslednej aktualizácii my dvd mechanika prestala brat dvd hrajem všetko cez hdd ale chcel som oprašit aj hry na dvd no neviem čo je stím
  5. Ahoj pred časom som aktualizoval RGH to sa podarilo ale od tej doby my nejde DVD mechanika neriešil som to ale teraz by som ju potreboval aby som si zahral staršie hry z dvd. Neviete mi poradiť čo s tím alebo naviesť na stránku s návodom ?
  6. čau kdo mi spraví novou aktualizaci dashlaunch 3.12>kernel16747 na počkaní tak mu dam 200kč nechce se mi tady to študovat Středočesky kraj pigi
  7. ahoj hledam Flashera Berounsko nejsem si jistý co mám za flash ale je to asi 1.4 dlouhou dobu jsem xbox nepoužívál.
  8. nič moc hra :(
  9. prosim vas pri zapnuty img burn my naskoci tato hlaska prosim vas co znamena W 22:24:33 Duplex Secure's SPTD driver can have a detrimental effect on drive performance.
  10. expert elektro od 21.8.2010 na xbox 360-1600kč
  11. ja som to asi zle napisal ja to chcem dat na usb kluč 16 gb a tam to je na hdd xboxu nie
  12. ahoj chcem dat demo hru na flash kluč a tak do xboxu pojde mi ta hra vypalovat sa mi to nechce je niekte navod alebo ide to vlasne diky za odpoved
  13. ahoj ja pouzivam EMTEC 8.5 ,10 kusi za 230 kč a 100% vypalene zličin globus
  14. nemoze to byt tim ze v img burn nastaveni som mal mode ez-mode picker a nie write ale uz nemam dvd tak neviskusam
  15. tak vypalil som to este raz skopiroval na hdd super 100% vypalujem hned druhu hru a zase dam ju kopirovat a pri 48% na hdd vyhodi chybu tak neviem asi zo 6 dvd som vypalil 2 hry plne funkcne
  16. prosim vas nemozem skopirovat hru na hardisk xboxu stale sekne pri 50% hra inak ide ked ju spustim neviete co s tym je asi nieco z hrou ne inak mam 60giga volne miesto na hdd
  17. no bude to asi vypalovackov skusal som palit aj cez DVD Decrypter a nic iba dvd v prdeli a co mam nastavit na vypalovacke mam externu samsung uplne nova 1200kč ma stala
  18. ahoj prosim vas napalil som uz moc hier ale mam teras novu vypalovacku a mam problem hru vypalim nacita ale nechce ju spustit img burn hlasi tuto hlasku ktora mi nesedi W 15:21:12 Waiting for buffers to recover... (LBA: 364128) W 15:21:13 Waiting for hard disk activity to reach threshold level... prosim o radu
  19. aha tak staci mi ju len vypalit mam 1.4 alebo 1.5 tak ju uz nemusim upravovat
  20. ja som ju dal znovu extrahovat a tak som spustil abgx stahoval som od pcmaker
  21. ahoj tak po stiahnuti noveho abgx mi zase nahadzuje chybu ale inu ja uz neviem prosim radu ale nechce sa mi to zase stahovat ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── \\//\\//\\//\\//\\/█\\//\ \ \/ /┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\ //\\//\\//\\//\█▀█\█▀█\█▀█/ /\ \ ─┤├─┐│ │//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// ───────────────▀▀▀─▀▀▀─▀▀█──────└─┘└─┘└─┘─v1.0.2───────[http://abgx360.net]──── ▀▀▀ Checking for updates to abgx360.dat... Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving C:\Users\pigy\Desktop\call of duty 6\Incredible-COD4.2.dvd is valid Checking Game ISO: "C:\Users\pigy\Desktop\call of duty 6\Incredible-COD4.2.iso" Size: 7572881408 bytes (normal size) Files in ISO: 149, Folders in ISO: 1 Total bytes used: 7255543454 (99.41%) Game appears to have random padding Checking default.xex Original PE Filename: iw4sp_ship.exe Original PE Timestamp: 2009/09/26 05:30:28 Game Name: Modern Warfare® 2 Developer: Infinity Ward Publisher: Activision Genre: First Person Action No Avatar Awards Achievements: 50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore XEX CRC = 1F46C35A XEX Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF Region Free! Checking SS Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/28 00:00:00 Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/10/02 05:36:47 SS Version: 1 SS CRC = F935F56E (RawSS = B908ED13) SS Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 (matches game) SS looks valid Checking DMI Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/28 00:00:00 (matches SS) DMI CRC = 943EA8D0 DMI Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 (matches game) DMI looks valid Checking PFI PFI CRC = 05C6C409 PFI matches known data (4th wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 [Hitachi only], v1.6 [using activation disc], v1.61 or later) Video partition found Video CRC = D28A9228 (V0 = 18066DD3, V1 = 11F8FAFC) Video partition does not match known data (should have matched 4th wave) Stealth check failed! Starting AutoFix Looking for F935F56E1F46C35A.ini in the online verified database Server file F935F56E1F46C35A.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving Using F935F56E1F46C35A.ini (346 bytes) Verifying DMI_8C408B3B.bin is valid before using it for AutoFix Checking DMI Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/28 00:00:00 (matches SS) DMI CRC = 8C408B3B DMI Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 (matches game) DMI looks valid Failed to find or open 'Video_1914211B.iso' (No such file or directory) This is a very large video partition that isn't hosted on the database... You will have to find it elsewhere and put it in your StealthFiles folder AutoFix Failed! Press any key to exit . . .
  22. ahoj prosim vas abgx mi vyhodil cervene pri kontrole mozete sa mi na to pozriet dik neviem ci to mozem vypalit ────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────── \\//\\//\\//\\//\\/█\\//\ \ \/ /┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\ //\\//\\//\\//\█▀█\█▀█\█▀█/ /\ \ ─┤├─┐│ │//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// ───────────────▀▀▀─▀▀▀─▀▀█──────└─┘└─┘└─┘─v1.0.1── ─────[%E2%94%80%E2%94%80%E2%94%80%E2%94%80"]http://abgx360.net]──── ▀▀▀ Checking for updates to GameNameLookup.csv and abgx360.dat... Server file GameNameLookup.csv no newer than local file - not retrieving Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving An updated version of abgx360 is available: v1.0.2 C:\Users\pigy\Desktop\call of duty 6\call of 6\Incredible-COD4.2.dvd is valid Checking Game ISO: "C:\Users\pigy\Desktop\call of duty 6\call of 6\Incredible-COD4.2.iso" Size: 7572881408 bytes (normal size) Files in ISO: 148, Folders in ISO: 0 Total bytes used: 7247629658 (99.30%) Game appears to have random padding Checking default.xex Original PE Filename: iw4sp_ship.exe Original PE Timestamp: 2009/09/26 05:30:28 Game Name: Modern Warfare® 2 Developer: Infinity Ward Publisher: Activision Genre: First Person Action Achievements: 50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore XEX CRC = 1F46C35A XEX Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF Region Free! Checking SS Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/28 00:00:00 Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/10/02 05:36:47 SS CRC = F935F56E (RawSS = B908ED13) SS Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 (matches game) SS looks valid Checking DMI Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/28 00:00:00 (matches SS) DMI CRC = 943EA8D0 DMI Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 (matches game) DMI looks valid Checking PFI PFI CRC = 05C6C409 PFI does not match known data (could be corrupt or a new wave not seen before) Displaying suspicious PFI in hex and ascii: OFFSET 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0x0000 01 02 31 10 00 03 00 00 00 FC FF DF 00 03 AD 7F 1 . ...Ř ▀. ş 0x0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ * Video partition found Video CRC = D28A9228 (V0 = 18066DD3, V1 = 11F8FAFC) Video partition does not match known data but neither did PFI Stealth status is uncertain Starting Verification Looking for F935F56E1F46C35A.ini in the online verified database Server file F935F56E1F46C35A.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving Using F935F56E1F46C35A.ini (346 bytes) Video CRC does not match! V0 CRC does not match! V1 CRC does not match! PFI CRC matches DMI is unverified SS CRC matches Xex CRC matches Checking Game CRC... (press Q to cancel) Percent Elapsed Estimated Time Average Current Errors Total Done Time Time Left Speed Speed Recovered Retries 100% 3:01 3:01 0:00 38.3 MB/s 51.9 MB/s AnyDVD style corruption was not detected Game CRC = A1E028C5 (matches) Verification failed Starting AutoFix Looking for Xex_1F46C35A.ini in the online verified database Server file Xex_1F46C35A.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving 'Xex_1F46C35A.ini' contains 7 SS CRCs, randomly picked #6 Looking for AC359E061F46C35A.ini in the online verified database Downloading AC359E061F46C35A.ini 100% [================================>] 362 AC359E061F46C35A.ini was downloaded successfully Using AC359E061F46C35A.ini (362 bytes) Looking for SS_AC359E06.bin in the online verified database Downloading SS_AC359E06.bin 100% [================================>] 2,048 SS_AC359E06.bin was downloaded successfully Verifying SS_AC359E06.bin is valid before using it for AutoFix Checking SS Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/28 00:00:00 Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/10/13 11:39:06 SS CRC = AC359E06 (RawSS = C06B68A6) SS Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 (matches game) SS looks valid Looking for DMI_462C8B46.bin in the online verified database Downloading DMI_462C8B46.bin 100% [================================>] 2,048 DMI_462C8B46.bin was downloaded successfully Verifying DMI_462C8B46.bin is valid before using it for AutoFix Checking DMI Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/28 00:00:00 (matches SS) DMI CRC = 462C8B46 DMI Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 (matches game) DMI looks valid Looking for Video_1914211B.iso in the online verified database Video_1914211B.iso is missing from the online database ERROR: Failed to find or open 'Video_1914211B.iso' (No such file or directory) AutoFix Failed, Stealth is still uncertain Press any key to exit . . .
  23. cau prosim vas spravil som prevod na wawe3 na G I JOE xbox mi to nacital ale ked som pusit hru tak to chce update tak som podla navodu chcel spravit update nxe ale vobec mi to nechce nacitat ako to update xbox ako zapnut autorun.firmware mam asi 1.4 ale niesom isty ako to zistim dik za odpoved
  24. ahoj tak mam dash 7371 skusil som dat System update aj na usb kluc aj na cd ale update sa mi vobec nespusti niejaka ina rada inak dik :?
  25. prosim kde sa zapina autorun viem ze v nastaveni ale ziadni autorun som nanasiel iba auto-start a to mi dajak nereaguje dik
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