Kto chce plazmu, tak nech kupuje...uz o par rokov ju nikde nekupi :cheesygrin:
Co sa tyka spotreby, tak napr. velmi usporne ( :D )NeoPDP Panasonic - TXP42G10:
Energy Consumption
As promised, I took the time to measure the power consumption of the TXP42G10. These measurements were taken while displaying a full black (0 IRE) screen, a 50 IRE screen, and a full white (100 IRE) screen, using the calibrated settings. Uncalibrated power consumption is likely to be considerably higher. And the results:
Mode / 0 IRE measurement / 50 IRE measurement / 100 IRE measurement
Calibrated, Eco mode off: 81 watts / 262 watts / 418 watts
Calibrated, Eco mode on: 81 watts / 268 watts / 416 watts
A TX-P50V10 ma slusnu bielu - 500W :D
0 IRE (Full Black) - 50 IRE (Grey) - 100 IRE (Full White)
Eco Mode OFF: 85 - 310 - 520 (watts)
Eco Mode ON: 85 - 230 - 495 (watts)
Velmi usporne NeoPDP Panasonic :D
Ja som doma na 2 roky starom LCD Philips 42" FullHD nameral pri uplne svetlej 215W a pri uplne tmavej 98W....ide ma roztrhnut, ked recenzenti uvadzaju rozdiel v spotrebe medzi LCD vs. Plazma, ze LCD ma konstantnu spotrebu :D