tak jsem to chtěl udělat podle tohoto navodu
With TN HEN-B installed, do this:
Download PSP FW 5.00 – Google it and find.
Download PSP FW 5.03 – Google it too.
Download NEW PSAR DUMPER. You can find it at the last wololo’s post.
Extract firmware 5.00 (if compressed), rename the .pbp file to EBOOT.PBP and put it at the memory stick root (ms0:/).
Extract firmware 5.03 to ms0:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE and rename the .pbp file to EBOOT.PBP.
When asked to, press square.
When the process is complete, press X to exit, and re-enter USB Mode.
Go to ms0:/F0/vsh/etc/ and copy the file “version.txt” to ms0:/seplugins.
On the PSP, enter TN VSH Menu by pressing Select, enable Fake index.dat and then RESTART VSH!
Run 5.03 Updater from XMB
When the flashing has started, LEAVE THE PSP ALONE! Do not press anything or remove its battery or your PSP will brick!
When the flashing is done, it will restart the PSP and show a blue screen. Press Circle and the PSP will reboot again.
Then you will be in 5.03 firmware.
I will post the next steps soon, because I don’t have time. It’s almost new year, you know.
ale pořád tady píšete něco z firmware 5.01 a tam o něm neni řeč tak mam strach