- friendly interface
- uses the fastest video encoder - "Mencoder"
- supports .avi, .mov, .vob, .mpg, .wmv
- auto determines source resolution and calculates rescaled resolution (auto saves aspect ratio), but also has an option to use wide-screen resolution or use auto-crop before rescaling to wide-screen (also saves aspect ratio)
- video section has all commonly used mencoder options
- supports 3 codecs - "DivX", "XviD" and "x264"
- supports 2 encoding modes: constant bitrate and variable bitrate ("quantizer")
- has an "Preview" function - test your settings before encoding the entire film!
- automatic recognition of black bars
- supports 2 audio encoders: "BeSweet" and "Mencoder"
- supports subtitles
- supports a queue of jobs
- supports saving settings into .ini file
- works with non-english paths and filenames
P.S. About found bugs, plz post here.
And your desires and requests about programm are certainly welcome ;-)
Download links (
For all CPU: http://rapidshare.com/files/10460179/AVItoPMP_1.2.0__build_77_.rar.html
Opravdu to funguje tytulky budete mít zvlášť tzv, dva soubory jeden pmp a druhý sub a dáte si to na kartu pod video a musíte mít ve vašem psp přehrávač pro pmp soubory tak zdar!!