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Ahoj, vyšla Deep Rock Galactic (Game Preview) s možností COOP online 4 hráčů i cross platform (xbox - pc) možností. Popis Supports Xbox Play Anywhere: yours to play on both Xbox One and Windows 10 PC at no additional cost. This game is a work in progress. It may or may not change over time or release as a final product. Purchase only if you are comfortable with the current state of the unfinished game. Deep Rock Galactic is a co-op-first sci-fi FPS featuring badass space Dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, and endless hordes of alien monsters. Hoxxes IV has the highest concentration of valuable minerals ever discovered; however, everything on the planet from the creatures to the fauna is extremely hostile. Good thing Deep Rock Galactic employs the best space miners in the universe: Dwarves! Combining two things Dwarves love most - mining and killing monsters - Hoxxes is the perfect job for any proud, space-faring Dwarf. *** 4-player Co-Op *** Work together as a team to dig, explore, and fight your way through a massive cave system filled with hordes of deadly enemies and valuable resources. You will need to rely on your teammates if you want to survive the most hostile cave systems in the galaxy! *** 4 Unique Classes *** Pick the right class for the job. Mow through enemies as the Gunner, scout ahead and light up the caves as the Scout, chew through solid rock as the Driller, or support the team with defensive structures and turrets as the Engineer. *** Fully Destructible Environments *** Destroy everything around you to reach your goal. There is no set path so you can complete your mission your way. Drill straight down to your objective or build an intricate network of paths to explore your surroundings -- the choice is yours. But proceed with caution, you don’t want to stumble into an alien swarm unprepared! *** Procedurally Generated Cave Network *** Explore a network of procedurally generated cave systems filled with enemies to fight and riches to collect. There’s always something new to discover and no two playthroughs are alike. *** High-Tech Gadgets and Weapons *** Dwarves know what they need to bring to get the job done. This means the most powerful weapons and the most advanced gadgets around - flamethrowers, gatling guns, portable platform launchers, and much, much more. *** Light Your Path *** The underground caves are dark and full of terrors. You will need to bring your own lights if you want to illuminate these pitch-black caverns. Full details on the latest status of the game, how you can give feedback and report issues can be found at Plánuje někdo koupi? Na store je k dispozici free trial,já jej asi vezmu takže kdo se chce přidat tak můj gamertag je : NowysCZE
- coop
- xbox one x
(a 1 další)
Označen s:
čaues na netu jsem se dočetl že 7 days to die umožňuje local coop. Má s tím někdo zkušenost?
Ahoj mám dotaz. S přítelkyní chceme něco co má lokální coop a má to příběh. Něco jako resident evil. Poraďte mi prosím něco podle vašich skušeností. Díky moc
Čau, náhodou jsem narazil na tenhle shop a koukám, že tam maj tuhle kytaru(ale na PS2): Je tam napsáno, že frekvence je 2.4GHz, a vím, že Xbox360 má ovladač taky na 2.4GHz ne? Jak to je, já si myslím, že to nepude, protože tam je ten přijímač pro PS2, tak proč by tam měl bejt, když platforma je tam PS2, ale na Xbox by to bylo divný, no stejně je docela drahá to se vyplatí GH3 + Kytara a Sell hry... Doufám, že nebude karta, nic takového se tu neřešilo.