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Yakuza of The End (Ryuu ga Gotoku of The End)

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Casopis Famitsu dnes oznamil formou obrovske dvoustrankove reklamy dalsi pokracovani v Japonsku veleuspesne serie Yakuza! A ja taky jasam! :cheesygrin:

Novy, jiz paty, dil ma vsak podtitul "The End", coz dost mozna naznacuje konec serie. Nebo alespon hlavniho deje, coz nevylucuje dalsi mozne spin-offy, jelikoz hra se velice dobre prodava a takova "stredoveka" Yakuza: Kenzan! byla naprosto paradni. Zatim vsak nejsou znamy zadne podrobnejsi informace, krome toho, ze na onom obrazku byla vyobrazena znicena brana do fanouskum serie zname ctvrti Kamuro-cho (mimochodem, v Tokyu opravdu existujici a pry vypadajici skoro stejne jako ve hre (ja na osobni obhlidnuti nejak nemel cas, takze nemuzu potvrdit, ale docela tomu i verim), jen se tato cervena ctvrt doopravdy jmenuje Kabuki-cho), rozbita auta a pomlacene kluby v okolnich budovach. Uvidime, co se z toho nakonec vyklube, ja se kazdopadne tesim! ^^

Sega advertised the next hi-def version of the Yakuza series in the first few pages of this week's edition of Japan's leading game magazine, Famitsu.

The advertisement depicts a destroyed and ruined entrance to Kamura-Cho, stand-in for real life Tokyo red light district Kabuki-Cho, and setting for at least five of the series' previous six games (including the upcoming PSP Yakuza: Black Panther, which will be released in Japan on September 22.) A caption that reads "The End" sprawls across the ad's two pages. Wrecked cars are strewn amongst fallen signs for massage parlors, gambling establishments and Korean barbecue restaurants. The ad seems to imply that Yakuza 5 will take place in the aftermath of some disaster that leaves Tokyo in shambles (we're guessing an earthquake, but the ad doesn't reveal the source of the destruction.)

The ad gives no gameplay, platform or release date information, but it's likely that more will be revealed at Tokyo Game Show next month, and that the game will be a PlayStation exclusive like the previous titles in the series. The Yakuza series has traditionally used Japan's yearly trade show as a coming out party of sorts. Yakuza 3 and 4 received widespread acclaim at their TGS showings in 2008 and 2009 respectively.

Zdroj: 1up.com

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