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You need to patch your ISO with this AP25 data in order for the game to work with LT+ and be XBL safe.

Run ISO through latest Abgx FIRST then apply the patch

Tools Required: ppfomatic_version_3.0 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=23RGVK5D

1. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit-NTSC-COMPLEX

2. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit-pal- loCAL

3. Assassins Creed Brotherhood -RF- gLOBAL

4. Fable 3 -RF- MARVEL

1 link 4 games patch http://www.megaupload.com/?d=61VYD1G4.

LT+ FW link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EEW1MHKB

Official release of C4E’s iXtreme LT+

- Supports Benq and Liteon Drives (74850, 83850V1, 83850V2, 93450)

- Optimized PFI code to accommodate AP25 SS data

- Defeats current AP25 protection

- Protects console from logging AP25 violation

- Full disc stealth used by default

- Waveless booting, disc images are assumed to be correct!

- Split-Vid used as default

If booting an AP25 title without AP25 SS game will not boot but will still be protected from logging AP25 violation on current dash 2.0.12611.0

If LT+ encounters an unknown AP25 challenge, game will not boot but console will still be protected from logging AP25 violation on current dash 2.0.12611.0

AP25 SS are region specific for region locked games (Current Example NFS: Hot Pursuit is both PAL and NTSC – 2 different AP25 Patches)

If you boot the AP25 titles without LT+ you will probably be flagged for a ban.

You cannot spoof a different model drive as that can now be detected. With this release of LT+ you HAVE to have an original Benq or Liteon.

LT+ for slim 9504 is next followed by LT+ for slim 0225

Thanks go to Team Jungle for their hard work and efforts in the development process.

Thanks go to Team Xecuter for their generous support and input to this project


Jo staci stahnout posledni verzi abgx (verze 1.0.4). Na zalozce "options" nesmi byt zaskrtnuto "Check/fix video padding" a na zalozce "AutoFiX" vybrat Autofix treshold Level 3. A pustit kontrolu. Najde to potrebny AP25SS patch primo z online databaze a implementuje. Zadne jine patchovani a jine programy nejsou potreba.

Jo a jeste takova poznamka, samozrejme nesmite mit v horni casti zaskrtnute Disable writes. Jinak to hru pouze zkontroluje, ale nemodifikuje.

Tot vse. Zvladla by to cvicena opice za banan :-)

Edit: A samozrejme je potreba mit flashnuty novy LT+.

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