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FW 2.8



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Comic-Con 2006: PSP aka PS3 Remote, New firmware Next Thursday & More

Sony have revealed some new crucial features regarding the PSP today. New firmware is coming next Thursday with RSS video support, the PSP will act as a remote for the PS3 with Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Pursuit Force touted as great reasons to own a PSP.


- Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Pursuit Force are "great games" and "great reasons to own a PSP."

- Ads for PSP Greatest Hits Collection which will be released on July 25.

- Clips from upcoming games like Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters, U.S. Navy S.E.A.L.S. Fireteam Bravo 2, and Gangs of London (all of which look pretty cool).

- Movie Trailers of movies coming to UMD format like Napoleon Dynamite and Office Space

- PSP's firmware update next Thursday will offer RSS Video feed support for its web browser (it already supports RSS audio feed)

- Thursday's firmware update will also have a demo of World Tour Soccer 2

- There are no plans to improve text entry on the PSP and no plans for a first-party keyboard

- Sony is in discussion with wireless providers to create more internet hotspots for your PSP to connect easily to the web

- Video out is something they know is important and are working on getting done

- Sony Connect is working on a way to provide downloadable movies (similar to the music they currently provide), but are held up trying to find a system to protect intellectual properties


The San Diego Comic-Con is slowly becoming an important exhibition location for the video game industry as well - this year, lots of important companies are showing their games and make significant announcements. One of them is Sony, who have been talking quite a bit about the Playstation Portable's future. While none of the things mentioned are particularly surprising, all in all the news should make almost every PSP owner look forward to the next half of 2006.

First of all, Sony announced that the Playstation 3 will ship with features to interact with the PSP. Concrete details about the interaction between the two devices have yet to be revealed but it was said that the PSP will function as a remote control for the PS3. Sega and Nintendo have experimented with handheld-console interconnectivity before, we'll see soon how Sony handles this.

Sony's speaker also mentioned that the new firmware, due on Thursday, July 27th, will include a demo of World Tour Soccer 2, to promote the game's launch. Amongst other new features, the new firmware will add RSS Video feed support to the Web Browser. Sony is also trying to establish more WiFi hotspots to obtain downloadable content and make use of the PSP's WiFi features.

A bit of bad news, Sony announced there are no plans for an improved text-input system, or an external keyboard add-on.

But at least they're trying to beef up the multimedia component of the PSP. Video-out is being worked on, together with a portal to provide downloadable videos. Movie trailers will be heading to UMD, most probably to be packaged alongside other software.

And let's not forget the guys who actually use their PSP for gaming, as Sony wants them to look forward to hits like Ratchet & Clank, Fireteam Bravo 2 and Gangs of London, which are all shaping up nicely to complement the PSP's current range of great titles.

Of course, many of our readers will be wondering how this new firmware will fit in to the current age of Firmware emulation and homebrew. As always, only time will tell.

Thanks to everyone who sent this in!




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Tak jsem asi před hodinkou upgradnul.. no a řeknu vám panové.. že jsem nebyl nijak potěšen, přesněji řečeno jsem vůbec nezjistil, čím se můj PSP vylepšil.. nenašel jsem žádnou novou ikonku ani nikde.. :roll:

Tak upgradujte i vy a řekněte, jestli na něco příjdete..

Těšil jsem se na demíčko a video stream a nějak to zatím vázne..:cry:

Toto téma je nyní uzavřeno, a proto není možné odpovídat.

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