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Dobrý den, mám menší dotaz koupil jsem si x360 a do budoucna budu kupovat nový monitor nebo tv .. ale pro zatim jsem si koupil redukci DVI-HDMI mám starší monitir který ještě nemá HDMI jedná se o monitor philips 190b7cs/00

nemusí se to propojení nak nastavit .. a jde to vůbec ? pravě že sem to zkousel u toho xboxu ale obraz se nepripojil diky 

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Reset the console display settings

If the display problem is still not resolved, reset the display settings of your console. Here's how:

  1. Remove any discs from the disc tray.
  2. Turn off the console.
  3. Turn on the console.

    Note If you are using an Xbox 360 Wireless Controller, turn on the console by using the Guide button on the controller. Make sure that you use the player 1 controller when you do this. The player 1 controller will have the upper-left light illuminated.

  4. As the console starts, on the controller, press and hold Y while pulling the right trigger. The display settings are reset to the default settings, and then the console automatically restarts.

If the problem is still not resolved, your console might need to be repaired. Start the repair process online.

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Přidej se do diskuze

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