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PlayStation VR


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Porovnani PlayStation VR revize CUH-ZVR1 a CUH-ZVR2

Product Name: Sony PlayStation VR

Product Code: CUH-ZVR1
Display: OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode)
Display Size: 5.7 inches
Resolution: 1920 x RGB x 1080 (960 x RGB x 1080)
Refresh Rate: 120hz, 90hz
Field of View: Approximately 100 degrees
Microphone: Integrated
Sensors: Accelerometer, gyroscope
Connection: HDMI, USB


External Dimensions / Mass:
VR headset: Approximately 187×185×277 mm (width × height × length, excludes largest projection, headband at the shortest). Weight approximately 610g (excluding cable).
Processor unit: Approximately 143×36×143 mm (width × height × length, excludes largest projection). Weight Approximately 365g.
Processor Unit Function: 3D audio processing, Social Screen (mirroring mode, separate mode), Cinematic mode.


Product Code: CUH-ZVR2
Display: OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode)
Display Size: 5.7 inches
Resolution: 1920 x RGB x 1080 (960 x RGB x 1080)
Refresh Rate: 120hz, 90hz
Field of View: Approximately 100 degrees
Microphone: Integrated
Sensors: Accelerometer, gyroscope
Connection: HDMI, USB


External Dimensions / Mass:
VR headset: Approximately 187×185×277 mm (width × height × length, excludes largest projection, headband at the shortest). Weight approximately 600g (excluding cable).
Processor unit: Approximately 150 x 39 x 114mm (width × height × length, excludes largest projection). Weight approximately 300g.
Processor Unit Function: 3D audio processing, Social Screen (mirroring mode, separate mode), Cinematic mode.






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