eraser17 Odesláno Červenec 26, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 26, 2006 Slasher just released version 2 of his great mp3 plugin for custom firmware! Now what does this mod do? It allows you to listen to your MP3s in “ms0:/PSP/MUSIC” from ANYWHERE in the XMB! That means while you are changing settings, browsing your photos, even over videos or another song in the music menu! You must have a custom firmware installed on your PSP to use this. If you have one already, all you have to do is put the mp3 mod folder in the root of your memory stick (it is very important that it goes in the root, otherwise it won’t work properly) and then add this line to your config.txt in the SYSTEM folder: loadmodule0 = “ms0:/mp3XMB/RUNMEmp3.prx” You can change the module number appropriately if you have other modules set to load. Changes since the last version include: * You can now change the CPU speed if you wish to get rid of any lag you may experience. This version also features new controls: * HOME = Activate the module * HOME + LTRIGG = Switch song(to the left/previous) * HOME + RTRIGG = Switch song(to the right/next) * HOME + UP = Stop current MP3 * HOME + SQUARE = Pause/Unpause Known Bugs: * Make sure to stop(or pause) your current song before loading up a homebrew or UMD, else crashes. * When exiting out of USB mode, music may mess up. Just switch the current song(or pause it) to fix that. * When using this with any USB Activating-related plugins, It may cause your PSP to crash. I’ve taken all the precautions to avoid making your PSP crash and just load up the mp3 plugin instead, but the risk of your psp crashing is still there. Just use the recovery mode and remove the program if problems persist. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD: neskusal to niekto? je to velice zaujimave a vyuzitelne....
shadow.wizard Odesláno Červenec 26, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 26, 2006 Slasher just released version 2 of his great mp3 plugin for custom firmware! I FU*K Custom FW!!
eraser17 Odesláno Červenec 26, 2006 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 26, 2006 no o to prave ide, ze som to videl na nete ten Custom firmware, ale neviem co to presne je... ono to vypada jak fw1.5, len si to asi nedo poupravoval... to by nemuselo byt zle..
shadow.wizard Odesláno Červenec 26, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 26, 2006 no o to prave ide, ze som to videl na nete ten Custom firmware, ale neviem co to presne je... ono to vypada jak fw1.5, len si to asi nedo poupravoval... to by nemuselo byt zle..No zle nie ale asi 5 ludom to urobilo BRICK tak preto to jeb*m. Ale ten program je iba o tom ze kdekolvek v XMB menu mozes pocuvat MP3 napr. pri pozerani fotiek a tak.
eskimo Odesláno Červenec 26, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 26, 2006 to pulgin pro custom fw....... nevim, jak vy, ale něják mi ty custom fw. nepadli do oka......prostě ruce pryč od nich
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