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How Many People Died in the Holocaust?


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The Holocaust, one of the darkest chapters in human history, witnessed the systematic genocide orchestrated by Nazi Germany during World War II. The Holocaust targeted various groups, primarily Jews, resulting in the unimaginable loss of innocent lives. Approximately six million Jews, along with millions of others, including Romani people, Poles, Soviet POWs, disabled individuals, and more, fell victim to the atrocities.

The question, "How many people died in the Holocaust?" echoes through history, emphasizing the scale of the human tragedy. This inquiry serves as a stark reminder of the immense suffering endured during those harrowing times. The Holocaust's devastating impact on families, communities, and the world at large remains indelibly etched in our collective memory. Understanding the magnitude of this historical horror is crucial to fostering empathy, preventing future atrocities, and ensuring that the victims are never forgotten.


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