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Crysis 2 CZ



Ahojte lidi, stahl jsem si tuto hru v CZ a tohle mi vyjelo v abgx 360, nevíte někdo prosím co to znamená?


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Checking for updates to GameNameLookup.csv and abgx360.dat...

Server file GameNameLookup.csv no newer than local file - not retrieving

Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving

C:\Jdownloader\mvl-cry2.dvd is valid

Checking Game

ISO: "C:\Jdownloader\mvl-cry2.iso"

Size: 7838695424 bytes

Files in ISO: 359, Folders in ISO: 100

Total bytes used: 5855013123 (80.22%)

Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex

Original PE Filename: Crysis2Release.exe

Original PE Timestamp: 2011/02/12 19:34:59

Game Name: Crysis®2

No Avatar Awards

Achievements: 50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore

XEX CRC = 36077E9E

XEX Media ID: 94CD684EFF4AF603C9E01B39-6A9CA6D7

Crysis 2

Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF

Region Free!

Checking SS

Timestamp of Authoring: 2011/02/14 00:00:00

Timestamp of Mastering: 2011/02/17 20:40:42

SS Version: 2 (trusted)

SS CRC = 25EFD376 (RawSS = CEF7BE80)

SS Media ID: 94CD684EFF4AF603C9E01B39-6A9CA6D7 (matches game)

SS looks valid

Checking DMI

Timestamp of Authoring: 2011/02/14 00:00:00 (matches SS)


DMI Media ID: 94CD684EFF4AF603C9E01B39-6A9CA6D7 (matches game)

DMI looks valid

Checking PFI


PFI matches known data (10th - 11th Wave)

Video partition found

Video CRC = BA47FD12 (V0 = DD2BCA74, V1 = DFEFC0BF)

Video partition matches known data (11th Wave)

Basic Stealth check passed!

Starting Verification

Looking for 25EFD37636077E9E.ini in the online verified database

Server file 25EFD37636077E9E.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving

Using 25EFD37636077E9E.ini (354 bytes)

Video CRC matches

V0 CRC matches

V1 CRC matches

PFI CRC matches

DMI CRC matches

SS CRC matches

Xex CRC matches

Checking Game CRC... (press Q to cancel)

Percent Elapsed Estimated Time Average Current Errors Total

Done Time Time Left Speed Speed Recovered Retries

100% 2:11 2:11 0:00 53.0 MB/s 37.8 MB/s

AnyDVD style corruption was not detected

Game CRC = 439A59F8

Game partition CRC does not match the verified ini! There are 4 possibilities:

1. This is a bad rip (the most likely cause). If you're checking a DVD backup

and have AnyDVD or a similar app installed, make absolutely sure the process is

killed! If this is a scene release, search for it on abgx.net and look at the

column "Bad CRC or Needs Fixing". If you see a <!> icon, hover over it with

your mouse to read the alt text. If it says something like "Bad game data CRC"

or gives the name of a fix (PPF patch), we already know about it. It's also

highly recommended to run abgx360 again with AutoFix set to level 3 if you

applied a PPF to make sure stealth files haven't been corrupted. See "What is

AnyDVD style corruption?" in the GUI Quickstart tab for more info on game data


2. Your CPU/RAM/HDD/data bus is unstable and corrupted the data during

extraction/burning or while checking the CRC. Make sure to run the sfv and try

extracting it again (assuming you have the sfv/rars) and recheck the ISO/DVD to

see if you get the same CRC.

3. Game data was intentionally modified for some reason. Microsoft does not

take kindly to modifications for any purpose, and even benign changes to game

data or settings will get you banned from Xbox Live!

4. The verified Game CRC in the database is wrong (very unlikely).

Stealth was verified but game data wasn't

Comparing L1 Video on L0 to L1 Video on L1... SplitVid is valid

Press any key to exit . . .

19 odpovědí na tuto otázku

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Crysis 2 XBOX360-MARVEL neobsahuje české titulky.

Ty do ní někdo přidal (jak píše David32, z PS3 verze). Takto upravená hra sice jde spustit, ale na live by se s ní chodit nemělo (je riziko že i při offline hraní to konzole rozezná a flagne se), protože, jak už se píše i ve výpisu abgx, Microsoft kontroluje modifikace ve hrách a když něco takovýho najde, tak rád banuje (Microsoft does not take kindly to modifications for any purpose).

  • 0
Crysis 2 XBOX360-MARVEL neobsahuje české titulky.

Ty do ní někdo přidal (jak píše David32, z PS3 verze). Takto upravená hra sice jde spustit, ale na live by se s ní chodit nemělo (je riziko že i při offline hraní to konzole rozezná a flagne se), protože, jak už se píše i ve výpisu abgx, Microsoft kontroluje modifikace ve hrách a když něco takovýho najde, tak rád banuje (Microsoft does not take kindly to modifications for any purpose).

Ok, děkuji, tohle jsem chtěl přesně vědět, radši to budu hrát v eng.

  • 0

Hledej nazev releasu: Crysis2_CZ_XBOX360-DraGon :)

Language: CZ


\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/█\\//\ \ \/ /┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

//\\//\\//\\//\█▀█\█▀█\█▀█/ /\ \ ─┤├─┐│ │//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//



Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...

Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving

E:\FTPdownload\Crysis2_CZ_XBOX360-DraGon\Crysis2_CZ_XBOX360.dvd is valid

Checking Game

ISO: "E:\FTPdownload\Crysis2_CZ_XBOX360-DraGon\Crysis2_CZ_XBOX360.iso"

Size: 7838695424 bytes

Files in ISO: 359, Folders in ISO: 100

Total bytes used: 5790967060 (79.34%)

Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex

Title ID: 454108E3 (EA-2275)

Original PE Filename: Crysis2Release.exe

Original PE Timestamp: 2011/02/12 19:34:59

Game Name: Crysis®2

No Avatar Awards

Achievements: 50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore

XEX CRC = 0C5AE790

XEX Media ID: 7DCF26AA16E01FC73B978C19-775A5D5B

Region Code: 0x00FF0000


Checking SS

Timestamp of Authoring: 2011/02/14 00:00:00

Timestamp of Mastering: 2011/02/27 22:48:38

SS Version: 2 (trusted)

SS CRC = AF52083D (RawSS = F8ABA321)

SS Media ID: 7DCF26AA16E01FC73B978C19-775A5D5B (matches game)

SS looks valid

Checking DMI

Timestamp of Authoring: 2011/02/14 00:00:00 (matches SS)

DMI CRC = BE7419B6

DMI Media ID: 7DCF26AA16E01FC73B978C19-775A5D5B (matches game)

DMI looks valid

Checking PFI


PFI matches known data (10th - 11th Wave)

Video partition found

Video CRC = BA47FD12 (V0 = DD2BCA74, V1 = DFEFC0BF)

Video partition matches known data (11th Wave)

Basic Stealth check passed!

Starting Verification

Looking for AF52083D0C5AE790.ini in the online verified database

There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database

Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination

Attempting to at least verify the PFI, Video and game data

Looking for Xex_0C5AE790.ini in the online verified database

There is no verified rip of Xex CRC 0C5AE790 in the online database

Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex

Verification failed

Comparing L1 Video on L0 to L1 Video on L1... SplitVid is valid

Press any key to exit . . .

  • 0
zdravím, stáhl jsem si crysis 2, abgx projel v pohodě, ale při spuštění po mě hra chce update, mám ho povolit ?

Pročpak kvůli tomu zakládáš dva topicy ? Pokud hry nepatchuješ na nižší wave , tak povolit můžeš - jedná se o update DB . Jinak je nutno aktualizovat přeš flešku :

Stáhnout DB 12625 zde : http://support.xbox.com/cs-cz/Pages/xbox-360/how-to/update-xbox-360/system-updates.aspx#copy

Pomocí WinRaru to rozbal a dej složku „ SystemUpdate “ na flešku .

Flešku zastrč do vypnutého xka a xko zapni .

Mělo by ti to nabídnout , jestli chceš update.

Dej yes a nahraje se update dashboardu do xka .

Přidej se do diskuze

Můžete přidat přidat příspěvek a zaregistrovat se později. Pokud máte úcet, přihlašte se.

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