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PORTAL 2 (21.4.) - ľudia na unlock avatar itemov / achievementov

Sterner Regnix

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Hladam ludi co planuju v dobe vydania si zahrat Portal 2 v Co-op pre odomknutie avatar itemov a mozno nejakych achievementov.

Co-op Awards / Achievements

01. Portal 2 Shirt (Male)

Unlock Portal 2 Shirt by completing Portal 2 Coop

02. Portal 2 Shirt (Female)

Unlock Portal 2 Shirt by completing Portal 2 Coop

03. Love Shirt (Male)

Unlock Love Shirt by hugging 3 friends in Portal 2 Coop

04. Love Shirt (Female)

Unlock Love Shirt by hugging 3 friends in Portal 2 Coop

30. High Five 5 G

Celebrate your cooperative calibration success

31. Team Building 10 G

Complete all test chambers in the Team Building co-op course

32. Confidence Building 10 G

Complete all test chambers in the Mass and Velocity co-op course

33. Bridge Building 15 G

Complete all test chambers in the Hard-Light Surfaces co-op course

34. Obstacle Building 15 G

Complete all test chambers in the Excursion Funnels co-op course

35. You Saved Science 100 G

Complete all test chambers in all courses of co-op

36. Iron Grip 20 G

Never lose a cube in Chamber 6 of the Mass and Velocity co-op course

37. Gesticul-8 15 G

Perform all 8 gestures of your own volition in co-op

38. Can't Touch This 10 G

Dance in front of a turret blocked by a hard light bridge in co-op

39. Empty Gesture 25 G

Drop your co-op partner in goo while they are gesturing by removing the bridge under them

40. Party of Three 25 G

Find the hidden companion cube in co-op test chamber

41. Narbacular Drop 25 G

Place a portal under your co-op partner while they are gesturing

42. Professor Portal 75 G

After completing co-op, complete Calibration Course online with a friend who hasn't played before

43. Air Show 20 G

Perform 2 aerial gestures before touching the ground in co-op

44. Portal Conservation Society 20 G

Complete Chamber 3 in the Hard-Light Surfaces co-op course using only 5 total portal placements

45. Four Ring Circus 25 G

Enter 4 different portals without touching the ground in co-op

46. Triple Crown 15 G

Solve 3 co-op chambers in the Mass and Velocity course in under 60 seconds each

47. Still Alive 15 G

Complete Course 4 with neither you nor your co-op partner dying

48. Asking for Trouble 10 G

Taunt GLaDOS in front of a camera in each of the five co-op courses

49. Rock Portal Scissors 20 G

Win 3 co-op games of rock-paper-scissors in a row

50. Friends List With Benefits 50 G

While playing co-op, hug 3 different people on your friends list

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