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Miliony hráčů a majitelů PS3 jsou více než dva týdny bez nároku na služby PSN . Dnes, dne 1.května se konala tisková konference, která začala v 1 hodinu v noci ( EST ) a tématem této konference byl hodně diskutovaný návrat PSN. Mezi dalšími věcmi ( popsáné níže ) se jednalo o tom, co by PSN uživatelé měli dostat jako náhradu za odstávku PSN sítě.

Pro začátek všichni PSN členové dostanou měsíc PSN+ zdarma ( aktuální PSN+ uživatelé 2 měsíce zdarma ) a SONY bude také rozdávat. Vybraný obsah PSN bude zdarma ke stažení (v každém regionu bude jiný ). Více podrobností má přijít ke konci tohoto měsíc. Aktuální uživatelé Music Unlimited rovněž získají zdarma měsíc služby.

Sítě PlayStation by se měly částečně vrátit příští týden ale plně bude obnovena někdy do konce měsíce. Samozřejmě nás pozdarví nový firmware update. A samozřejmě můžete očekávat, že Sony kompletně předělala jejich bezpečnostní systém tak, aby vaše data byla nyní v "bezpečí".

Některé další zajímavé body:

● SONY uvedla, že žádné CC čísla nebyla odcizena ale proč zástupci SONY řekli - "měli byste dávat pozor na své výpisy z kreditní karty" .

● SONY bude spolupracovat s FBI, aby provedla úplné vyšetření trestného činu

● z 77 milionů uživatelů, asi 10 milionů bylo aktivních kreditních karet (jen 10 milionů?)

Čekal bych i omluvu. Myslíte si, že Sony dělá dost s tím, co slibuje?


Originální článek z PSblogu:


Phased Global Rollout of Services to Begin Regionally;

System Security Enhanced to Provide Greater Protection of Personal Information

Tokyo, May 1, 2011 – Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) and Sony Network Entertainment International (SNEI, the company) announced they will shortly begin a phased restoration by region of PlayStation®Network and Qriocity™ services, beginning with gaming, music and video services to be turned on. The company also announced both a series of immediate steps to enhance security across the network and a new customer appreciation program to thank its customers for their patience and loyalty.

Following a criminal cyber-attack on the company’s data-center located in San Diego, California, U.S.A., SNEI quickly turned off the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services, engaged multiple expert information security firms over the course of several days and conducted an extensive audit of the system. Since then, the company has implemented a variety of new security measures to provide greater protection of personal information. SNEI and its third-party experts have conducted extensive tests to verify the security strength of the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services. With these measures in place, SCE and SNEI plan to start a phased rollout by region of the services shortly. The initial phase of the rollout will include, but is not limited to, the following:

● Restoration of Online game-play across the PlayStation®3 (PS3) and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) systems-This includes titles requiring online verification and downloaded games

● Access to Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity for PS3/PSP for existing subscribers

● Access to account management and password reset

● Access to download un-expired Movie Rentals on PS3, PSP and MediaGo

● PlayStation®Home

● Friends List

● Chat Functionality

Working closely with several outside security firms, the company has implemented significant security measures to further detect unauthorized activity and provide consumers with greater protection of their personal information. The company is also creating the position of Chief Information Security Officer, directly reporting to Shinji Hasejima, Chief Information Officer of Sony Corporation, to add a new position of expertise in and accountability for customer data protection and supplement existing information security personnel. The new security measures implemented include, but are not limited to, the following:

Added automated software monitoring and configuration management to help defend against new attacks

Enhanced levels of data protection and encryption

Enhanced ability to detect software intrusions within the network, unauthorized access and unusual activity patterns

Implementation of additional firewalls

The company also expedited an already planned move of the system to a new data center in a different location that has been under construction and development for several months. In addition, PS3 will have a forced system software update that will require all registered PlayStation Network users to change their account passwords before being able to sign into the service. As an added layer of security, that password can only be changed on the same PS3 in which that account was activated, or through validated email confirmation, a critical step to help further protect customer data.

The company is conducting a thorough and on-going investigation and working with law enforcement to track down and prosecute those responsible for the illegal intrusion.

“This criminal act against our network had a significant impact not only on our consumers, but our entire industry. These illegal attacks obviously highlight the widespread problem with cyber-security. We take the security of our consumers’ information very seriously and are committed to helping our consumers protect their personal data. In addition, the organization has worked around the clock to bring these services back online, and are doing so only after we had verified increased levels of security across our networks,” said Kazuo Hirai, Executive Deputy President, Sony Corporation. “Our global audience of PlayStation Network and Qriocity consumers was disrupted. We have learned lessons along the way about the valued relationship with our consumers, and to that end, we will be launching a customer appreciation program for registered consumers as a way of expressing our gratitude for their loyalty during this network downtime, as we work even harder to restore and regain their trust in us and our services.”

Complimentary Offering and “Welcome Back” Appreciation Program

While there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken, the company is committed to helping its customers protect their personal data and will provide a complimentary offering to assist users in enrolling in identity theft protection services and/or similar programs. The implementation will be at a local level and further details will be made available shortly in each region.

The company will also rollout the PlayStation Network and Qriocity “Welcome Back” program, to be offered worldwide, which will be tailored to specific markets to provide our consumers with a selection of service options and premium content as an expression of the company’s appreciation for their patience, support and continued loyalty.

Central components of the “Welcome Back” program will include:

● Each territory will be offering selected PlayStation entertainment content for free download. Specific details of this content will be announced in each region soon.

● All existing PlayStation Network customers will be provided with 30 days free membership in the PlayStation Plus premium service. Current members of PlayStation Plus will receive 30 days free service.

● Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity subscribers (in countries where the service is available) will receive 30 days free service.

Additional “Welcome Back” entertainment and service offerings will be rolled out over the coming weeks as the company returns the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services to the quality standard users have grown to enjoy and strive to exceed those exceptions.

SNEI will continue to reinforce and verify security for transactions before resuming the PlayStation®Store and other Qriocity operations, scheduled for this month.


SONY uvedla, že žádné CC čísla nebyla odcizena ale proč zástupci SONY řekli - "měli byste dávat pozor na své výpisy z kreditní karty" .

Protože řekli "s největší pravděpodobností nedošlo k úniku". Tzn. nějaká, i když malá šance tam je. A proto by si každý měl dávat pozor na výpisy z karet. Samozřejmě, kontrolovat výpisy z karet by měl člověk dělat tak jako tak, že?

z 77 milionů uživatelů, asi 10 milionů bylo aktivních kreditních karet (jen 10 milionů?)

Co na tom? 77 milionů je počet účtů, ne uživatelů. Spousta uživatelů má účtů víc, schválně se podívej zde na fóru. Údajně je počet uživatelů kolem 35 milionů. Dále si vem, že spousta lidí používá body, ne CC (opět, podívej se zde na fórum), připadně nenakupuje na PSN vůbec. Číslo 10 milionů je IMO docela v pořádku.

Čekal bych i omluvu. Myslíte si, že Sony dělá dost s tím, co slibuje?

Omluva byla v mailu, který Sony rozesílala, teď už by ho měli dostat snad všichni. Kolik omluv chceš? A jinak, co by ještě měla dělat. V rámci PSN ani víc dělat nemůže, pokud vím, peníze na účet z PSN poslat nejdou. Takže pokud chce někdo dostat peníze, musí to řešit jinak a samozřejmě mimo tento program.

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