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convert youtube to Iphone


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this passage coming from web and i found it when i was hunting for some converter and i copied it here now.

Convert YouTube to iphone is easy with Free YouTube Downloader and Free FLV Converter. The former is a free YouTube downloader for downloading YouTube videos and flash videos from internet; and the latter is a free FLV to Video converter for converting those downloaded flash videos and YouTube videos to other popular video formats.

The tutorial below will show you exactly how to convert YouTube to iphone video directly for playback on iPhone using the above-mentioned free programs as a YouTube to iPhone converter.

Step 1: Launch Free YouTube Downloader and type YouTube URL in the address bar.

Step 2: Click settings icon to select iPhone MP4 as the target output format in "Auto Recording" tab in the pop-up window.

Step 3: Select one YouTube video, click "Video" tab to watch it in the built-in FLV player and check the YouTube downloading progress at the same time.

Step 4: When the YouTube downloading progress reaches 100% and a yellow smiling face appears, Free FLV Converter pops up automatically, showing the ongoing youtube to iphone MP4 conversion progress.

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