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Podle reportu na GameSpotu Nintendo jiz pracuje na nove Zelde pro 3DS - a nema se jednat o pokracovani ve stylu predeslych DS Zeld.

New Zelda 3DS in development - Report By Tom Magrino, GameSpotPosted Nov 4, 2011 12:14 pm PTFranchise director Eiji Aonuma says original installment in series will not be a remake; release date TBD.1 The 3DS doesn't have many top-sellers to its name, but one such title is its The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time reboot, which launched in June and has sold more than 1 million units. Those gamers who had been pining for a new installment in Nintendo's venerated action role-playing franchise for the 3DS may soon be in luck. The next Zelda 3DS won't be a remake. Portuguese gaming site MyGames reports that it sat down with Zelda franchise director Eiji Aonuma prior to a 25th anniversary concert for the series in London. As part of that interview, Aonuma reportedly stated that Nintendo has already begun work on another original installment in the Zelda franchise for the 3DS. Aonuma went on to say that while Nintendo has been seriously considering bringing a second Zelda remake to the 3DS a la Ocarina of Time 3DS, the new game will be original. Ultimately, the company decided that it would not have been in gamers' interest to launch back-to-back remakes. He also noted that the upcoming game will incorporate elements that were employed in previous installments in the series. The Zelda franchise director did not offer an expected release window or any other details for the new game. Nintendo had not responded to a request for comment as of press time.
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Jako velky fanousek Zeldy jsem na to hodne zvedavy, doufam ze to nejak bude vyuzivat potencial konzole, jako to dela treba TLoZ:SS s Wii.......

Rozhodne budu hned kupovat, ale buh vi kdy se dockame, nepamatuju ZEldu (od te doby, co jsem se s ni dostal do kontaktu), ktera by se neodkladala a vetsinou jsou to odklady neprijemne - louhe a opakovane....

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