Ahoj mám problem , koupil jsem si Logitech GAMEPAD F310 ... zapojil do USB a vhodil CD do mechaniky ... instalace probehla OK ale pri startu Logitech gaming software mi to napise : Logitech profiler was unable to detect any game controllers.If your controler requiers a power supply,please werify it is plugged in and the LED on the controller is lit.
Once the connections are verifed ,click retry.Clicking cancel will close the profiler .
Ovladace panely/pridat hardware/ mi sice najde gamepad , ale pri jeho instalaci mi to napise u konce (Instalaci toho hardwaru nelze dokoncit.Hardware nebyl nainstalovan , protoze pruvodce nemuze nalezt nezbytny software) .. uz si s tim fakt nevim rady :( pomoc !
Ahoj mám problem , koupil jsem si Logitech GAMEPAD F310 ... zapojil do USB a vhodil CD do mechaniky ... instalace probehla OK ale pri startu Logitech gaming software mi to napise : Logitech profiler was unable to detect any game controllers.If your controler requiers a power supply,please werify it is plugged in and the LED on the controller is lit.
Once the connections are verifed ,click retry.Clicking cancel will close the profiler .
Ovladace panely/pridat hardware/ mi sice najde gamepad , ale pri jeho instalaci mi to napise u konce (Instalaci toho hardwaru nelze dokoncit.Hardware nebyl nainstalovan , protoze pruvodce nemuze nalezt nezbytny software) .. uz si s tim fakt nevim rady :( pomoc !
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