lPeterl Odesláno Leden 6, 2012 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 6, 2012 Čau, stáhl jsem si TES IV blivion a při kontrole mi to napsalo špatné CRC data, co stím mám dělát ? Citovat
0 lPeterl Odesláno Leden 6, 2012 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 6, 2012 Tady je vzor toho co mi to píše Game partition CRC does not match the verified ini! There are 4 possibilities: 1. This is a bad rip (the most likely cause). If you're checking a DVD backup and have AnyDVD or a similar app installed, make absolutely sure the process is killed! If this is a scene release, search for it on abgx.net and look at the column "Bad CRC or Needs Fixing". If you see a <!> icon, hover over it with your mouse to read the alt text. If it says something like "Bad game data CRC" or gives the name of a fix (PPF patch), we already know about it. It's also highly recommended to run abgx360 again with AutoFix set to level 3 if you applied a PPF to make sure stealth files haven't been corrupted. See "What is AnyDVD style corruption?" in the GUI Quickstart tab for more info on game data corruption. 2. Your CPU/RAM/HDD/data bus is unstable and corrupted the data during extraction/burning or while checking the CRC. Make sure to run the sfv and try extracting it again (assuming you have the sfv/rars) and recheck the ISO/DVD to see if you get the same CRC. 3. Game data was intentionally modified for some reason. Microsoft does not take kindly to modifications for any purpose, and even benign changes to game data or settings will get you banned from Xbox Live! 4. The verified Game CRC in the database is wrong (very unlikely). Stealth was verified but game data wasn't Citovat
0 Dlaha Odesláno Leden 6, 2012 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 6, 2012 Tak si to přelož. Jednoduše řečeno, stáhni si to znovu odjinud. Stahuješ z torrentů? Jestli jo, tak to nedělej a najdi si to například na xbox360iso.com Citovat
0 romik Odesláno Leden 6, 2012 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 6, 2012 lPeterl : používej tlačítko edit ! Citovat
Čau, stáhl jsem si TES IV blivion a při kontrole mi to napsalo špatné CRC data, co stím mám dělát ?
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