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FW co mam delat??



chtel jsme prejit na fw 3,70 m33 a tohle mi to pise kdyz spustim ten software

3.52 m33-4 update

this program uses encryption to protect authors from criminal pages such as ps3news.

the use of this software is forbidden to the users of that page and those related to them.

because the system critical files this program fleshes are decrypted using this own program date as decryption key, vhatever modification of it will change tatally the decrypted content of the files flashet .

if you heve benn victim of a corrupted file of virus from that site, report the ps3news adminstrator daniel ... , who lives in the state of new yourk, to the FBI of other authorities. for more details, refer to the BAN section of the license.txt that you sould have received with this program.

if none of the ben sections points apply to you , and the program has been downloaded from a serious page, the programwill operate properly with only the intrinsic risks tjat all cfw have.

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tak ho zapni a je to :D navic ty instalujes update na 3.52 m33, konkretne update 4.. a jak nic vic? Mrkni do Systemu na FW, mel by jsi tam mit 3.52 M33 -4 .. ;) co je na tom spatne? Pokud chces 3.71 m33, spust update na 3.71 m33 a ne update 4 pro CFW 3.52 m33 ..

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