c4eva Speaks! zveřejnili nový článek ohledně mechaniky LITE-ON 1175, kterou mám v XB 360. Bohužel nejsem učeň anglického jazyka, ale německého, tak se chci zeptat zdali by mi někdo nevysvětlil nebo nepřeložil co tam píšou viz. níže :). Díky Vanas :roll:
Team Xecuter announced on 2012-08-19, the forthcoming availability of a new product, the Xecuter Lite-On 1175 DG-16D5S Unlocked Replacement PCB. The SPI is locked on the DG-16D5S (in addition to the firmware being encrypted), so this replacement PCB allows for the user to unlock and re-lock the SPI at will, and offers full ability to write stock or custom firmware to the drive. Full production will begin soon, and will go on sale in conjunction with the release of c4eva's iXtreme LT+ v3.0 for Lite-On 1175 DG-16D5S. Further information regarding key dumping and the necessary processes and/or hardware will be posted here later, but c4eva has revealed that it does NOT require RGH.
This version adds support for topology data in place of AP2.5 replay data for all XGD3 and AP2.5-active XGD2 backups. *NOTE: For drives that support AP2.5, all backups containing AP2.5 replay data will need to be patched or re-dumped and re-burned for compatibility with v3.0.
iXtreme LT+ v3.0 for Lite-On Slim retains support for the use of truncated backups, although it it strongly recommended to use full XGD3 burns made with a compatible Lite-On iHAS drive flashed with the iXtreme Burner MAX fw.
In LT+ v3.0, backups remain the same layout, but require new "AP2.5 topology data" in place of the older "AP2.5 replay sector" that was used in LT+ v2.x and older. Burned backups made for v2.x will not work on v3.0, and vice-versa. In the case of v3.0, the firmware would be looking for nonexistent topology data on a backup burned for v2.x. For v2.x, the firmware would be looking for nonexistent AP25 replay data on a backup burned for v3.0. Either way will not work, and will flag your 360 by failing AP2.5 challenges outright
c4eva Speaks! zveřejnili nový článek ohledně mechaniky LITE-ON 1175, kterou mám v XB 360. Bohužel nejsem učeň anglického jazyka, ale německého, tak se chci zeptat zdali by mi někdo nevysvětlil nebo nepřeložil co tam píšou viz. níže :). Díky Vanas :roll:
Team Xecuter announced on 2012-08-19, the forthcoming availability of a new product, the Xecuter Lite-On 1175 DG-16D5S Unlocked Replacement PCB. The SPI is locked on the DG-16D5S (in addition to the firmware being encrypted), so this replacement PCB allows for the user to unlock and re-lock the SPI at will, and offers full ability to write stock or custom firmware to the drive. Full production will begin soon, and will go on sale in conjunction with the release of c4eva's iXtreme LT+ v3.0 for Lite-On 1175 DG-16D5S. Further information regarding key dumping and the necessary processes and/or hardware will be posted here later, but c4eva has revealed that it does NOT require RGH.
This version adds support for topology data in place of AP2.5 replay data for all XGD3 and AP2.5-active XGD2 backups. *NOTE: For drives that support AP2.5, all backups containing AP2.5 replay data will need to be patched or re-dumped and re-burned for compatibility with v3.0.
iXtreme LT+ v3.0 for Lite-On Slim retains support for the use of truncated backups, although it it strongly recommended to use full XGD3 burns made with a compatible Lite-On iHAS drive flashed with the iXtreme Burner MAX fw.
In LT+ v3.0, backups remain the same layout, but require new "AP2.5 topology data" in place of the older "AP2.5 replay sector" that was used in LT+ v2.x and older. Burned backups made for v2.x will not work on v3.0, and vice-versa. In the case of v3.0, the firmware would be looking for nonexistent topology data on a backup burned for v2.x. For v2.x, the firmware would be looking for nonexistent AP25 replay data on a backup burned for v3.0. Either way will not work, and will flag your 360 by failing AP2.5 challenges outright
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