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následoval jsem tento návod:

NOTE: A lot of new members have had issues with locating the HDDX partition on their consoles using File Manager within FSD. It is recommended that Xexmenu be used in lieu of File Manager for a couple of reasons:

1. File Manager will not show the HDDX partition unless you manually override the settings within FSD (General Settings) to show HDDX as a valid partition within File Manager.

2. FSD's File Manager is quirky at times and does not overwrite files as needed within the referenced tutorial.

Do yourself the favor and use Xexmenu to follow the below instructions. If you are using FSD's File Manager and PM me stating that HDDX does not exist on your console or that the Compatibility folder shows a directory labeled Xbox1, it will go unanswered. Follow the directions please, and you shall have no issues whatsoever.

If you want to get Xbox1 games working within 15 minutes on your JTAG/RGH just read carefully and follow the directions. You'll need a USB flashdrive and Xexmenu installed/running.

1. Download "XB1 HDD Compatibility Fixxer" (this will create/format Hddx on your JTAG/RGH). After extracting, run .xex via Xexmenu

- http://jumbofiles.com/o3tqinzxb6ng/XB1 HDD Compatibility Fixxer.rar.html

- http://www.mediafire.com/?n1bh2jof3p71t6x

2. Download the Original Backwards-Compatibility Files:

- http://jumbofiles.com/ij4u5133atz8/Original Backwards-Compatibility Files.rar.html

- http://www.mediafire.com/?hhco396h8bgp19g

3. After downloading and extracting both files, there should be two folders labeled "Partition 2" and "Partition 3." First transfer both of the files inside Partition 2 (compatibility and tdbx) to Hddx. Overwrite any preexisting files. Once that has been completed, take the folder inside partition 3 ($TitleUpdate) and copy it to the root of Hdd1.

4. Last step is to download hacked compatibility (latest ones as of July 2011):

- http://jumbofiles.com/28ti9mbtk1hp/xb1_13599_jul_2011-hacked.rar.html

- http://www.mediafire.com/?q3q33w65iesqxsc

*NOTE: If you are running into issues with the hacked compatibility files from 2011 not working for you, try using these from the original files back in 2007. They may work, and have worked for some members when the 2011 ones were not: http://jumbofiles.com/gijxva92v0ji/xb1_5829_nov_2007-hacked.rar.html or http://www.mediafire.com/?c9lavn91sh9mra6

5. After downloading and extracting, there will be a folder labeled "Compatibility". Take that folder and place it in Hddx. It will ask if you want to OVERWRITE, say YES.

6. If XBox1 games do not get past the white XBox logo screen, update to latest dash launch. With hacked compatibility a majority of games run successfully. However, there are a few that don't.

7. Also there are various ways you can put XBox1 games on JTAG/RGH. The choice is yours: Freestyle, Games on Demand, or run from disc.

BTW - Use "COPY LINK LOCATION" in Firefox when downloading links.

..po jeho aplikování všechny zkoušené hry běžely naprosto vpořádku, ale při zkoušení CRASH TTR po spuštění naběhlo xbox1 logo a nějaká stránka spojená s právama vývojářské firmy (první stránka hry s textem) a následně černá díra...xbox přestal reagovat dokonce i na guide button (to prostřední tlačítko)

..taky jsem zkoušel možnost: z .isa této hry udělat GOD formát (přes iso2god) CONTENT/0000000000000000/56550041...atd.. ale ta samá chyba

iso staženo z:


myslíte, že hraje roli region?

nebo, že by se hra rozjela, kdybych ji vypálil a pak spustil?

předem díky za všechny odpovědi :)

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