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[h=3]Current Free API Users[/h]The following steps enable our current Free API Users to switch to the new API Developer Platform.

Please note that the current Free API Key and request URL will continue to work up until 31 August 2013.

1. Obtain a new Free API key

Due to the various upgrades made to the system, your old key will not provide you with access to the new API Developer Platform. To make the switch to the new API Developer Platform, current Free API users will need to:

  • [*=left]Visit our
Free Weather API registration page.
[*=left]Fill in the account registration form.
[*=left]Submit your information by selecting ‘Register’.
[*=left]You will then be sent a new API key and asked to verify your email address.
[*=left]Once you verify your email, your new API key will become active.

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