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BETA verze ISO loaderu na fw 2.71!!!


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Dark_Alex's 2.71 SE-A SOON


Dark_Alex is about to release a 2.71 custom firmware for non-TA-082 devices called 2.71 SE (SE stands for Special Edition)

The revision A will feature:

- 1.00/1.50 Eboot support (both kernel and user mode)

- 2.71 Eboot support (both kernel and user mode)

- run on 2.71 vsh

- Ability to run devhook (both 1.50 and 2.71 versions are fully compatible)

- Ability to run any 2.71 (and below UMDs)

- 1.00/1.50 prx executable support

- support both kxploited and unpatched eboots for 1.50 kernel

- support any 2.71 homebrews codded for HEN C

- Compatibility is 100% for 2.71 homebrews and approx 99% for 1.00/1.50 homebrews

How does it work ?

Both 1.50 and 2.71 kernel are flashed into flash0

it uses 1.50 kernel to bootstrap patched 2.71 firmware

How to flash it?

You will need to use the helper that will be provided to get a complying dump into a DXAR format, once you get it done properly use the flasher to "update" to the 2.71 SE-A

Pros and cons ? :

Pros : - Full 2.71 homebrew support

- Almost full 1.50 homebrews support (some homebrews like umdemu or xflash might not work properly with it, still so far all of the 1.50 homebrews I tried worked fine)

- Recovery menu

- Full Devhook support

- Access to all 2.71 features

- Native 2.71 UMD support

- 1.50 decrypted prx executable support

- Real no-kxploit embebed (thus 1.00 unpatched eboot support)

- have access to all 2.71 kernel features using 2.71 homebrews, such as GPS support or wpa support

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a další novinka od alexe

Dark_Alex's 2.71 SE-A SOON


Dark_Alex is about to release a 2.71 custom firmware for non-TA-082 devices called 2.71 SE (SE stands for Special Edition)

The revision A will feature:

- 1.00/1.50 Eboot support (both kernel and user mode)

- 2.71 Eboot support (both kernel and user mode)

- run on 2.71 vsh

- Ability to run devhook (both 1.50 and 2.71 versions are fully compatible)

- Ability to run any 2.71 (and below UMDs)

- 1.00/1.50 prx executable support

- support both kxploited and unpatched eboots for 1.50 kernel

- support any 2.71 homebrews codded for HEN C

- Compatibility is 100% for 2.71 homebrews and approx 99% for 1.00/1.50 homebrews

How does it work ?

Both 1.50 and 2.71 kernel are flashed into flash0

it uses 1.50 kernel to bootstrap patched 2.71 firmware

How to flash it?

You will need to use the helper that will be provided to get a complying dump into a DXAR format, once you get it done properly use the flasher to "update" to the 2.71 SE-A

Pros and cons ? :

Pros : - Full 2.71 homebrew support

- Almost full 1.50 homebrews support (some homebrews like umdemu or xflash might not work properly with it, still so far all of the 1.50 homebrews I tried worked fine)

- Recovery menu

- Full Devhook support

- Access to all 2.71 features

- Native 2.71 UMD support

- 1.50 decrypted prx executable support

- Real no-kxploit embebed (thus 1.00 unpatched eboot support)

- have access to all 2.71 kernel features using 2.71 homebrews, such as GPS support or wpa suppor

vidim že darkalex se snaží

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Na zacatku pisete o tom ze emulujete 2.71 na 1.5 a pak o tom ze tam hodite ten devhook na puvodni 2.71. :?:

no..muzes emulovat na 1.5 a pac ziskas vic moznosti...jako sou homebrew...to se spis zeptej "jednapetkaru"...ale pokud chces jenom parit isa, tak ti staci spustit devhook z 2.71...

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