drogbazzzz Odesláno Leden 15, 2014 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 15, 2014 Oficialni web: http://www.battlefield.com/battlefield-4 Fansite: http://bf4central.com/ Citovat
drogbazzzz Odesláno Leden 15, 2014 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 15, 2014 Zkopirovano z ofiko webu: 15/1/2014 We have started rolling out a new Battlefield 4 update for Xbox One. You may experience some downtime while this update is being deployed. Change notes below. -Various fixes for improving general stability -Fixed various random deadlocks (the so called “sound loop crash”) -Fixed flickering in map and minimap on Rogue Transmission and Operation Locker -Fixed issue with player spawning under the map in Lancang Dam -Fixed broken collision on containers with open doors. The bug previously made grenades bounce back even though the doors were open -Fixed an occasional bug where players could experience intermittent engine sound dropouts when driving wheeled IFVs -Fixed camera glitch when switching weapons while moving in crouch -China Rising: Fixed animation glitch for motorbike passengers ocuring when aiming -Increased damage by 25% for the Stealth Jet 20mm cannons -Normalized repair rates across all vehicles. Vehicles with lower health points, like aircraft and transport vehicles, now repair more slowly than before -Fixed a bug where the M1 Abrams Coaxial HMG ammo box was occasionally blocking the driver’s camera -Fix for friendly marker not always showing when needed to, resulting in players shooting team members -Fixed problem with killer health in kill card not being correctly updated (showing 100% health even though the soldier was hurt) -Fixed a bug where players’ rank icons in the scoreboard would not be updated -Fixed issue with soldier health showing 1 HP in killcard instead of 0 HP -Fixed a player feedback timing issue where blood was appearing before other damage indicators, and before damage was actually done -Reduced the risk of single player campaign save file becoming corrupt Citovat
drogbazzzz Odesláno Leden 31, 2014 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 31, 2014 Jan 30 Xbox One Game Update Notes DMR Balance Tweaks - Increased the damage of all DMRs across all ranges. Specifically, damage has been increased at long ranges to allow three-hit kills against unarmored opponents. Additionally, reduced the penalty to accuracy for sustained DMR fire, allowing more rapid follow up shots in combat. The amount of the damage increase varies from weapon to weapon, according to its intended range, rate of fire, and damage. We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of DMRs in combat, and determine if additional action is needed to make DMRs a viable mid to long range weapon. Other items -Significantly reduced the duration of the black screen when spawning in, and fixed the issue with players getting killed before being in-game -Greatly reduced the risk of crosshairs disappearing, which would also result in hit markers disappearing -Added a headshot icon on the killcard. This should help identify instances where players are correctly killed by one shot -Fixed an issue in Squad Deathmatch where the “Win/Lose” text was overlapping -Fixed an issue with players using an exploit for the SOFLAM -Fixed an issue with players using an exploit for the MAV -Fixed the gameplay code to properly track the FOV (Field of View) changes in the options menu -Fixed an issue where chat would break when entering "false" or "true" in the chat window -Fixed an out-of-helicopter glitch in Air Superiority where players could spawn on the ground and play as infantry -Fixed the misaligned crosshairs on the T90 MBT -Added setting to tweak joystick dead zone -Various minor crash fixes Citovat
rootan Odesláno Leden 31, 2014 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 31, 2014 chtěl jsem se jen zeptat,je možný aby mi každej update smazal SAVE ze singlu hry? už sem v polovině hry potřetí,to snad nedohraju :( Citovat
Čuřil Buřil Odesláno Březen 28, 2014 Nahlásit Odesláno Březen 28, 2014 Tak již je ke staženi Navla Strike Citovat
strejda999 Odesláno Říjen 8, 2014 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 8, 2014 Potřeboval bych poradit. Když se připojím na telefonu na battlelog tak tam mám statistiky z PS4 když jsem to hral někdy v únoru. Jak to prehodim abych videl statistiky z XOne? Kde prepinam mezi platformami. ? Díky za info. Citovat
strejda999 Odesláno Říjen 8, 2014 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 8, 2014 (upraveno) Nemůžu na to nikde narazit. Upraveno Říjen 8, 2014 uživatelem strejda999 Citovat
rdsc Odesláno Říjen 8, 2014 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 8, 2014 (upraveno) V profilu mas nastaveni a tam zalozku vojaci. Upraveno Říjen 8, 2014 uživatelem rdsc Citovat
strejda999 Odesláno Říjen 8, 2014 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 8, 2014 Díky. Mám tam ale jen z PS4. Jak tam nahodim z One? Citovat
frog123_ Odesláno Prosinec 19, 2014 Nahlásit Odesláno Prosinec 19, 2014 Ahoj playeři , kdo má DLC ? Chtěl bych s někým po večerech občas zapařit , můj nick : frog10041990 .-. Citovat
dany_ Odesláno Prosinec 19, 2014 Nahlásit Odesláno Prosinec 19, 2014 já mám komplet premium.. muzem nekdy zahrat, ale moc mi to nejde a mám u toho nervy.. nick v podpisu Citovat
Kenja Odesláno Leden 7, 2015 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 7, 2015 Taky bych se k vám přidal Můj nick Kenja CZ Citovat
Mittu Odesláno Únor 8, 2015 Nahlásit Odesláno Únor 8, 2015 nechtěl by někdo se mnou a kámošem do týmu?? skládáme squad ale aspoň 15+ mi je 21 a kámošovi 18 kdyžtak si mě přidejte na xboxu Mittucz. Citovat
Kenja Odesláno Únor 8, 2015 Nahlásit Odesláno Únor 8, 2015 To zni dobře do toho bych šel najdu si te.... Citovat
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