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Assassin's Creed IV - Trofeje (Sharing is Caring)

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Sharing is Caaring ale neni singl playerová trofej :?

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This trophy will most likely unlock through playing the story. In order to get this trophy you WILL HAVE TO be signed into the PSN for it to work. When playing through the game there are three somewhat rare events that you will need to discover in order to get the trophy. To discover an event you will be prompt to press the button-up.png arrow on the D-Pad and a message will say that this event has been shared with your friends through the Abstergo network.


  • Royal Convoy - Found anywhere around the sea, mostly in the open areas. I found about 20 of these before sequence 9 of the game.
  • White Whale - These are rare creatures that you will be able to hunt, again I found a good few of those through normal travel, mainly in the South-Eastern and North-Western sea areas of the map.
  • Special Chests - These are chests that will show up Blue on your mini map, I found them through normal exploration on land and these are probably the rarest but still easy to find.


Z toho jsem pochopil že ji získaš v Singlu ale musíš být online. Celou hru co sem hrál jsem byl online a našel jsem jen ty dvě truhly. před chvíli se mi objevila jedna velryba ovsem co sem koukal na Chalange tak musím každou tuhle věc najít 3x.

Nějaký návod na urychlení nebo jak na to asi nikdo neví co. Jsou to poslední challange a poslední trofej získatelná v singlu co mi chybí.

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