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Omylem koupená hra z PSN


Odesláno (upraveno)


chtěl bych se zeptat můj syn brouzdal po obchodu Ps Store a nechtě mi koupil Watch Dogs za 1900,-

Přišel mi mail že mám hru zakoupenu ale problém je v tom že nemám na účtě Psn žádné údaje o platební kartě.

Jedná se o nějakou předobjednávku a peníze by mi to strhlo až bych zadal někdy v budoucnu údaje o kartě?

díky za info



[TD=width: 622, align: left][TABLE]


[TD=align: left]Thank you for your recent pre-order.

This e-mail message is to notify you that your pre-order has been placed. Your wallet will be charged closer to the release date and you will receive a separate purchase confirmation email at that time.

You will find your pre-order details below and a link to the terms that apply to your pre-order. Please save this information for future reference. [/TD]










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[TD=width: 10, bgcolor: #E1E1E1]empty.gif[/TD]

[TD=width: 602, align: left][TABLE]


[TD=width: 150, align: left]Online ID: [/TD]

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[TD=width: 150, align: left]Name: [/TD]

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[TD]mirek mirek [/TD]





[TD=width: 150, align: left]Order Number: [/TD]

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[TD=width: 150, align: left]Date of Pre-Order: [/TD]

[TD=width: 10, bgcolor: #E1E1E1]empty.gif[/TD]

[TD]30/03/2014 @ 04:41 PM[/TD]









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[TD=width: 1, align: left][/TD]

[TD=width: 500, bgcolor: #C7C7C7, align: left]Details [/TD]

[TD=width: 20, bgcolor: #C7C7C7]empty.gif[/TD]

[TD=width: 92, bgcolor: #C7C7C7, align: left]Unit of Price[/TD]





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[TD=width: 1, align: left][/TD]

[TD=width: 500, bgcolor: #E1E1E1, align: left]Watch_Dogs - Classic Edition (Pre-Order)

Please make sure to top up your wallet before the pre-order expected release date: 27/05/2014 @ 12:00 AM[/TD]

[TD=width: 20, bgcolor: #E1E1E1]empty.gif[/TD]

[TD=width: 92, bgcolor: #E1E1E1, align: left]1 889,00 Kc[/TD]





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[TD=align: left] Total: 1 889,00 Kc

Current Wallet Amount*: 0,00 Kc

*This wallet amount is current as of the date and time of this transaction.

This is not a VAT/GST invoice.

The Sony Entertainment Network Team

Sony Network Entertainment Europe Limited [/TD]










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[TD=align: left]

Video Rentals:

As described in our Terms of Service, if you rented one or more of the Videos listed above, the following restrictions apply:

  • You may only view one copy of each Video Rental on one Sony System at a time.
  • You may only view the Video Rentals during the applicable Viewing Period (see the Terms of Service and User Agreement for details).
  • Playback must begin during the Access Period (see the Terms of Service and User Agreement for details).
  • Both the Access Period and the Viewing Period were specified during your rental. The Access Period is a limited number of days from the date of your rental. If you have not started playback during the Access Period, then you will no longer be able to view the Video Rental. The Viewing Period starts when you begin your first playback of the Video Rental and will be no more than 48 hours long.

For additional terms and conditions regarding purchase and rental viewing and usage of content, please visit the links provided below. [/TD]









[TD=width: 20]empty.gif[/TD]



Upraveno uživatelem craig27

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