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Doporučil bych program Native Instruments Traktor v3.3 (Jeden z nejlepších programů na mixování písniček pro DJ)


Product Description:

TRAKTOR DJ Studio 3 is a versatile and comprehensive digital DJing solution designed to meet the most professional of standards. The third generation of this award-winning software offers breath-taking sound quality coupled with an unprecedented array of new features – sure to get any party rocking. Discover the potential of TRAKTOR DJ Studio 3 and blend a new dimension of creativity into your mix.

What's new in this version:

New dimensions for compatibility and integration:

* TRAKTOR SCRATCH integration with simultaneous timecode control for up to 4 decks (*)

* Windows Vista & Mac OS X Leopard compatibility

* Direct access to iTunes library and playlists in TRAKTOR browser

* Direct access to tracks and playlists on your iPod, improved iPod loading times

* Improved Beatport integration

Maximum Performance and Usability:

* Rock-solid operation

* Flexibility and sound quality of effects section improved

* Several GUI improvements (fonts, deck spacing, color schemes, waveform display smoothing)

* Fully customizable deck header info & tap tempo button in deck header

* New header pane with system information

* Improved playlist and track loading times

* Improved startup time

* Improved iPod loading times

* Revised user manual


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