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Pomala odezva ps4 na nove tv


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Odesláno (upraveno)

tak sám nejsi, je to teda anglicky a řešení tam asi není :o/




Dear all,

When connecting the set to a PC or gaming console via HDMI, we suggest that the resolution of the PC or gaming console output be set to 1080p@60Hz and use the PC/Game mode setting on your TV to ensure the best possible performance. If you would like to set the resolution to 2160p@30Hz on your connected device, a delay can be expected due to the technical limitations of the TV. Using PC/Game mode on your TV will provide the least amount of delay possible.

If you have any further questions or comments regarding this issue, please contact your local call center.



Dear Philips,

If there are (hardware) technical limitations of the TV that cause it to have this amount of lag when the resolution is set to 2160p@30Hz than I consider this TV not to be truly 4K capable. And this should have been specified on the box, something like Warning: only TV mode is available with 4K resolution. Since this is not the case, and we have a TV with a game mode that isn't even remotely usable on 4K resolution, I consider this to be false advertising on the part of Philips and I think we should form a group of users and pursue legal action against your company. Either this or Philips recognizes this as a problem with their product and issues a firmware update or a physical recall to fix it.

Thank you,


-- takže prostě tvá TV tě co se input lagu týká bude štvát stále, nezdá se že je nějaké řešení v dohlednu :o/ Tedy tato TV není vhodná k PS4 a pohodovému hraní, toť můj závěr.

Upraveno uživatelem Luckass

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