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Chyba pri prihlaseni do PSN


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[TD]PSN sign-in failed at [Test Internet connection][/TD]

[TD]Make sure you are signed in to PSN before you start the connection test. This error may occur if you try the test during a PSN maintenance. Check the PSN status and try after the maintenance is over You can check the status of the PSN here.[/TD]



Jinak na stránkách píšou, že bude probíhat plánovaná údržba.

Planned Maintenance ReminderRoutine maintenance and improvements for PlayStation™Network will be performed for approximately 2 hours on Tuesday, October 13, 21:30 PDT (October 14, 04:30 GMT) to October 13, 23:30 PDT (October 14, 06:30 GMT). Anyone who already has a PlayStation™Network account can still sign in to their PlayStation™Network profile, play games, and use most applications while this maintenance is carried out.

You will not be able to access Account Management, PlayStation™Video, or complete a purchase in the PlayStation®Store during this maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We recommend activating your PS4™ console as your primary console before maintenance begins for the best experience. You will only need to do this once and will remain in effect for all future maintenances: How to activate your PS4 console as primary

We strive to ensure that PlayStation™Network services are available at all times, but occasionally we must take PlayStation™Network offline to perform essential maintenance and implement feature enhancements. We are working hard to reduce the duration of each maintenance.

Upraveno uživatelem Matrix_DC

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