Mike55 Odesláno Leden 2, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 2, 2008 Ahoj. Stáhl jsem si emulátor na PSP na PC, ale hry co stahuju jsou ve formátu .iso a já potřebuju formát .psp, nevíte něco, čím bych to převedl? Dík :psp:
0 mazik Odesláno Leden 2, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 2, 2008 zkus jenom prepsat koncovku .iso na .psp ale nic nezarucuju
0 Mike55 Odesláno Leden 3, 2008 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 3, 2008 zkus jenom prepsat koncovku .iso na .psp ale nic nezarucuju Tak vyzkoušel jsem to, ale nahraju to a chce to nějak emulovat jsou tam ruzne kody atd..to já neumím, ale na 100% ten emulátor funguje, jelikož na stránkách jsem našel hru na PSP s příponou .psp a fungovalo to, takže já sháním jenom konventor na tento formát souboru. :roll:
0 Zavorka Odesláno Leden 3, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 3, 2008 Tak vyzkoušel jsem to, ale nahraju to a chce to nějak emulovat jsou tam ruzne kody atd..to já neumím, ale na 100% ten emulátor funguje, jelikož na stránkách jsem našel hru na PSP s příponou .psp a fungovalo to, takže já sháním jenom konventor na tento formát souboru. :roll: hod to tu pls... odzkoušíme to:)
0 Mike55 Odesláno Leden 3, 2008 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 3, 2008 hod to tu pls... odzkoušíme to:) Stáhni si to sám odsud: http://www.emulator-zone.com/ jsou tam emulátory na všechny konzole a hendhledy(kromně XBOX 360 a PS3 a Wii)
0 lexicon Odesláno Leden 3, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 3, 2008 Staci mrknout do readme.txt tech emulatoru co stahnes. Vypada to ze jsou celkem k nicemu... Potemkin - skoro nic az na par her nefunguje Compatibility List: Playable: Pinball (breaks if I fix waitforvblank) Puzzle Bobble Pocket (some graphics missing) Puyo Puyo - Nearly perfect! [none] Ingame: AI Go (AI hangs) Title Screen / menus: Frantix - crashes the emu while loading Carol's Sudoku - title screen, waiting for callback? async io callback? (seems to work without) Craps on the screen: Koloomn - seems to run, but only shows blank screen Wipeout Pure - Sector Reading Namco Museum - Now Loading , DelayThread Namco Museum Battle Collection - Now Loading , DelayThread Star Soldier - Hudson logo EVery Extend Extra - ? Not working primary reasons: Astonishia Story - DelayThread BomberMan - DelayThread Dragon Ball - DelayThread Lumines - DelayThread Me and My Katamari - DelayThread or Vblank interrupt Outrun - PollSema, Sector Reading GTA LCS - Sector Reading //SavedataInit, Wakeup Bust A Move Ghost - Sector Reading - 088ea0cc is value that gets added to lba Burnout - Sector Reading, Waitforvblank rotatequeue Dead To Rights - Just draws, no vsync :P Death Jr - Illegal reads, kaboom, self restarts Football Manager - Failing to alloc memory (slightly too much) Fifa Street - VFPU + the unknown SysMemUserForUser functions Gurumin - Unknown syscall, mailbox, infinite loop Mercury - Bizarre zero pointer -> failing internal allocs XI Colisseum - broken ISO code Pacman World Rally - broken ISO code, bizarre async issues MotoGP - sceUtilityMsgBox missing Kao - sceUtilityMsgBox missing [DrawSync (hacked for now), GP relocs (dunno if important), ] Virtua Tennis - savedata getstatus Breath of Fire - SaveDataGetStatus, reading the smae file over and over??? Tiger Woods - Bizarre memory problems Nana Subeta wa Daimaou no Omichibiki - VFPU, Blasts display lists full of zeroes Bad Semaphore Noryoko Trainer - Bad math, Tries to open files called (null) Practical Intelligence Quotitient : Draws black stuff Slotter Up Core - Semaphores, VFPU Smart Bomb - Jump to 0000000 088fbde4 Spongebob - FPL Ultra Z fighting - Shuts down World Poker Tour - Needs MPEG / Atrac faking Go Sudoku - PSMF video Hot Shots Golf - need VBlank interrupt Capcom 3 in 1 Demo - EVentflags, unknown syscalls Loco Roco Full - WaitEventFlag, Vblank interrupt Loco Roco Demo - Vblank interrupt, sceDemoMod sceKernelGetThreadStackFreeSize Formula One - Uses 4 new kernel functions Fired Up - bad semaphores Tony Hawk Underground Remix 2 - VFPU, illegal reads, kaboom Kuru - Illegal memory write 0888e9a8 Need For Speed Most Wanted - Open UMD0: bizarre results, loop forever Exit - Semaphores Street Fighter - Font, wakeup stuff ?sceKernelCancelWakeupThread Coded Arms - Callback? Scheduler? weird things + some unknown APIs Ape Escape 1 - ReferThreadStatus? SleepThread? Viewtiful Joe - Scheduling? vblank timing Mega Man Maverick Hunter X - lots of various problems. TODO: make allocations aligned! Dragon Quest And Final Fantasy - UmdActivate / UmdGeterrorStat Gradius - Async I/O Lemmings - Async I/O (bizarre stuff, keeps retrying) Untold Legends - Async I/O Valkyrie Profile - Async I/O problem, 665: [MIPS32 R4K 088ca59c ]: MEM: Illegal 32-bit read at ffff84b0 (un_088ca594) Gripshift - Async I/O PSPE - podle toho co pisou v readme tak na tom pojede akorat homebrew pro kernel 1.5
0 Mike55 Odesláno Leden 3, 2008 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 3, 2008 Staci mrknout do readme.txt tech emulatoru co stahnes. Vypada to ze jsou celkem k nicemu...Potemkin - skoro nic az na par her nefunguje Compatibility List: Playable: Pinball (breaks if I fix waitforvblank) Puzzle Bobble Pocket (some graphics missing) Puyo Puyo - Nearly perfect! [none] Ingame: AI Go (AI hangs) Title Screen / menus: Frantix - crashes the emu while loading Carol's Sudoku - title screen, waiting for callback? async io callback? (seems to work without) Craps on the screen: Koloomn - seems to run, but only shows blank screen Wipeout Pure - Sector Reading Namco Museum - Now Loading , DelayThread Namco Museum Battle Collection - Now Loading , DelayThread Star Soldier - Hudson logo EVery Extend Extra - ? Not working primary reasons: Astonishia Story - DelayThread BomberMan - DelayThread Dragon Ball - DelayThread Lumines - DelayThread Me and My Katamari - DelayThread or Vblank interrupt Outrun - PollSema, Sector Reading GTA LCS - Sector Reading //SavedataInit, Wakeup Bust A Move Ghost - Sector Reading - 088ea0cc is value that gets added to lba Burnout - Sector Reading, Waitforvblank rotatequeue Dead To Rights - Just draws, no vsync :P Death Jr - Illegal reads, kaboom, self restarts Football Manager - Failing to alloc memory (slightly too much) Fifa Street - VFPU + the unknown SysMemUserForUser functions Gurumin - Unknown syscall, mailbox, infinite loop Mercury - Bizarre zero pointer -> failing internal allocs XI Colisseum - broken ISO code Pacman World Rally - broken ISO code, bizarre async issues MotoGP - sceUtilityMsgBox missing Kao - sceUtilityMsgBox missing [DrawSync (hacked for now), GP relocs (dunno if important), ] Virtua Tennis - savedata getstatus Breath of Fire - SaveDataGetStatus, reading the smae file over and over??? Tiger Woods - Bizarre memory problems Nana Subeta wa Daimaou no Omichibiki - VFPU, Blasts display lists full of zeroes Bad Semaphore Noryoko Trainer - Bad math, Tries to open files called (null) Practical Intelligence Quotitient : Draws black stuff Slotter Up Core - Semaphores, VFPU Smart Bomb - Jump to 0000000 088fbde4 Spongebob - FPL Ultra Z fighting - Shuts down World Poker Tour - Needs MPEG / Atrac faking Go Sudoku - PSMF video Hot Shots Golf - need VBlank interrupt Capcom 3 in 1 Demo - EVentflags, unknown syscalls Loco Roco Full - WaitEventFlag, Vblank interrupt Loco Roco Demo - Vblank interrupt, sceDemoMod sceKernelGetThreadStackFreeSize Formula One - Uses 4 new kernel functions Fired Up - bad semaphores Tony Hawk Underground Remix 2 - VFPU, illegal reads, kaboom Kuru - Illegal memory write 0888e9a8 Need For Speed Most Wanted - Open UMD0: bizarre results, loop forever Exit - Semaphores Street Fighter - Font, wakeup stuff ?sceKernelCancelWakeupThread Coded Arms - Callback? Scheduler? weird things + some unknown APIs Ape Escape 1 - ReferThreadStatus? SleepThread? Viewtiful Joe - Scheduling? vblank timing Mega Man Maverick Hunter X - lots of various problems. TODO: make allocations aligned! Dragon Quest And Final Fantasy - UmdActivate / UmdGeterrorStat Gradius - Async I/O Lemmings - Async I/O (bizarre stuff, keeps retrying) Untold Legends - Async I/O Valkyrie Profile - Async I/O problem, 665: [MIPS32 R4K 088ca59c ]: MEM: Illegal 32-bit read at ffff84b0 (un_088ca594) Gripshift - Async I/O PSPE - podle toho co pisou v readme tak na tom pojede akorat homebrew pro kernel 1.5 Aha, tak toho jsem si nevšim. No nedá se nic dělat, asi budu hrát na xbox 360 lepší grafárna, já jsem potřeboval ten emu jen na Worms: Open warfare 2, takže nic mno...díky a čuz
Ahoj. Stáhl jsem si emulátor na PSP na PC, ale hry co stahuju jsou ve formátu .iso a já potřebuju formát .psp, nevíte něco, čím bych to převedl? Dík :psp:
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