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The original tutorial : http://gueux-forum.net/index.php?showtopic=167103

Sorry for english.

(My DVDkey is now 12121212121212121212121212121212)

You need in harware :

- xbox 360 4532 or 4548

- Infectus modchip

- PC with XP

You need in software :

- the Infectus Programmer v.

- a hexadecimal editor (hex workshop)

- Flashtool 0.81

- the NAND.bin file

- the 1BL.bin file

- the FUSES.bin file

The 3 last files can get with this tutorial : http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=621052

To change the dvdkey, we patch the NAND.bin with the KV.bin file (keyvault).

To have the KV.bin file, you need the CPUkey, Flashtool and the NAND.bin.

To patch the NAND.bin by the KV.bin files, you need the 1BLkey.

Sight glogale:

Diagram 1 : KV.bin :


Diagram 2 : the NAND patch :



A/How to have the CPUkey :

The CPUkey is in the FUSES.txt file.

Open the FUSES.txt file with blocnote, delete all lines exept the lines 3 and 5 (or 4 ou 6).

CPUkey = line 3 + line 5


Save in CPUkey.txt .

B/How to have the 1BLkey :

The 1BLkey is in the 1BL.bin file.

Open the 1BL.bin file with your hexadecimal editor and Goto offset 5878


The key begin is in 5878 and the end in 5887.


Copy the 32 digits in 1BLkey.txt .

C/Keyvault creation, KV.bin : (diagram 1)

Now, you are 2 keys and the NAND.bin file.

- Open Flashtool .

- Select Keys

- Open near the 1BLkey.txt and CPUkey.txt .

- Copy/Paste the keys and OK :


- Press Dump Files and select the NAND.bin file.


- Press Extract , select Key Vault and OK . Save.

The KV.bin is created (16 368 octets).

D/KV.bin modification :

The DVDkey is in the KV.BIN .

- Open KV.BIN file with your hexadecimal editor and Goto offset F0 :


The key begin is in F0 and the end in FF

- Change the DVDkey .


- Save the change.

Now the KV.bin file is ready for the nand.bin patch.

E/NAND.bin patch : (diagram 2)

- Open Flashtool :

- Choose Patch

- Cross Patch Keyvault and press Browse...


- Choose the KV.bin file and OK . Save the new NAND in NAND2.bin .

It's OK. The nand is patched and his name is NAND2.bin .

F/ Flash the motherboard :

- Launch the Infectus Programmer .

- Connect the USB cable to the Infectus

- In Flash Command select Erase.

- In Flash Command select Blank Check .

- In Flash Command select Write . Choose the NAND2.bin file and Open .

- Disconnect the Infectus.

- Close the programmer.



a k cemu mne pude dobrej jinej klic v mechanice a nepude se to zhodovat s klicem u desky?! to je program kde si muzes zmenit jak klic u mechaniky treba na same 0000 a i klic na desce na same 00000 ale jedine pres ten CHIP!! jeste to tam mas napsany!!You need in harware :

- xbox 360 4532 or 4548

- Infectus modchip

- PC with XP

sem das nejakej prispevek a ani nevis o cem to je

+ je to dobry pro lidi kteri nemaj svuj puvodni klic k mechanice zalohovanej protoze si muzou udelat defakto pres ten chip libovolnej klic ale jenom program nestaci potrebujes jeste ten chip aby se stebou zakladovka od xboxu vubec bavila:-)

a k cemu mne pude dobrej jinej klic v mechanice a nepude se to zhodovat s klicem u desky?! to je program kde si muzes zmenit jak klic u mechaniky treba na same 0000 a i klic na desce na same 00000 ale jedine pres ten CHIP!! jeste to tam mas napsany!!You need in harware :

- xbox 360 4532 or 4548

- Infectus modchip

- PC with XP

sem das nejakej prispevek a ani nevis o cem to je

+ je to dobry pro lidi kteri nemaj svuj puvodni klic k mechanice zalohovanej protoze si muzou udelat defakto pres ten chip libovolnej klic ale jenom program nestaci potrebujes jeste ten chip aby se stebou zakladovka od xboxu vubec bavila:-)

...nezlo se, ale je to nesmysll. Nemas jediny duvod neco menit.

Napr. rozbije se ti Banq DVD_ROM, jeste tak blbe, ze ji nebudes moci MK Flash vycist. Timhle BEZ HARDWARE vyctes klic na desce a do mechaniky , kterou jsi si koupil nahradni, treba Sam MS28 paac jsou ted levny, a nacpes bez HARDWARE klic, ktery jsi vycetl z tve desky do FW tve nove Samsung mechaniky.

Omlouvam se za prispevek, vetsinou to nedelam, ale zrovna tenhle tutorialek mi moc helpnul. Tak priste asi vice premyslet, nez psat kravynky :-)))

  • 1 month later...
toto je tutorial jak zmenit ID klíč, žadny jak najit dvd key xD....navic bez modchipu to jde jenom s kernelem 4532 a 4548(což už nikdo nema), jinak je potřeba modchip infectus 2 s programmer modulem a time attackem kterej musis napajet na MB xboxu...jinak nvm proc to se kopirujes kdyz nvm k cemu to presne je....

Je pravda že to autor trochu popletl měl nejdříve zapsat tento návod - http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=621052

a po té editovat - odstranit tu část kde se píše o změně klíče na desce, nechat jenom info jak klíč vyseparovat.

Jen by mě zajímalo jestli se dá tento návod uplatnit na boxe z května tohoto roku s Benq mechkou:D

A jak píše Jamesonman přestaňte tady napadat snahu někoho pomoci !!! Co spíše poradit jak to hodit do nějaké formy?

  • 1 month later...
Toto téma je nyní uzavřeno, a proto není možné odpovídat.
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