huhla Odesláno Srpen 25, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 25, 2008 SCEA game servers TCP Ports: 80, 443, 5223, and 10070 - 10080 UDP Ports: 3478, 3479, 3658, and 10070 PlayStation®Network TCP Ports: 80, 443, 5223 UDP Ports: 3478, 3479, 3658 PLAYSTATION®3 Remote Play (via the Internet) requires * If the router in use supports UPnP, enable the router’s UPnP function. * If the router does not support UPnP, you must set the router’s port forwarding to allow communications to the PLAYSTATION 3 from the Internet. * The port number that is used by remote play is TCP Port: 9293 USB or Bluetooth Headsets TCP Port: 80 UDP Ports: 6000 - 7000, 50000, 10070 Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain TCP Port: 3658 PlayOnline and Final Fantasy XI TCP Ports: 25, 80, 110, 443, and 50000 - 65535 UDP Ports: 50000 - 65535 Battlefield: Bad Company UDP: destination port 18805 outbound. UDP: Source and destination port 10000 outbound + inbound. UDP: source ports 11000-11030 outbound. Burnout Paradise UDP: destination ports 9651 - 9705 allow outbound + inbound. Call of Duty 3 UDP: source and destination port 3074 allow outbound + inbound. This game seems a bit tricky to configure because quite often it refuses connection to a game, with an error such as "Could not connect to hosting player" or "Could not connect to all players", but it would appear that could be down to individual firewall settings of the other players. Call of Duty 4 UDP: source and destination port 3074 allow outbound + inbound. (same as Call of Duty 3) Colin Mcrae DiRT UDP: source and destination port 3074 allow outbound + inbound. Condemned 2 UDP: destination port 27900 outbound (without this port open the PS3 seems to reboot when attemping to download the update!) UDP: destination port 27901 outbound. UDP: destination port 27888 outbound. GT5 Prologue UDP: Source port 3658 allow outgoing. Haze UDP: destination port 3074 outbound UDP: source and destination port 30004 outbound + inbound. Metal Gear Solid 4 TCP: destination port 5730 outbound + inbound (for game updates/downloads) UDP: destination port 5730 outbound + inbound. MotorStorm UDP: Source & Destination ports 3659 - 3660 allow outbound + inbound N.B.MotorStorm can suffer from 'lag' in online games if the firewall settings are not quite correct. Rainbow Six Vegas UDP: Source and destination port 58080 allow outbound + inbound. Resistance: Fall of Man UDP: Source ports 6505 - 6999 allow outbound SingStar Destination TCP ports 10060-10061 allow outbound Destination TCP port 10010 allow outbound TimeShift UDP: Destination ports 27900 +27901 allow outbound + inbound. UDP: Source and Destination port 7777 allow outbound + inbound. Unreal Tournament UDP: source ports 55255 - 55275 outbound. Warhawk It seems that Warhawk needs quite a few ports to be opened, to prevent the "this game is full" error messages preventing you from joining online games. You require UDP ports 6000 - 6499 to be open outgoing (incoming can be blocked) as well as outgoing UDP port 10029. I've also disocovered that TCP port 53346 should be open for outgoing connections. Dovolil jsem si přiložit seznam portů nutných ke hraní online her, pro ty co třeba nemají demilitarizovanou zonu na svém firewalu, nebo nechtějí otevírat svůj router hackerům.:cheesygrin: Pokud jde o duplicitní příspěvek tak to smažte. Jinak doufám že to bude k užitku. Citovat
huhla Odesláno Únor 20, 2009 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Únor 20, 2009 Doplněno o základní porty nutné třeba k připojení na PSN. Citovat
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