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PSP Pandora Deluxe je program který vám vytvoří magic memory stick bez potřeby flashnutého PSP (pozor neplatí pro baterku). Doufám že na fóru nené už příspěvek s tímto programem, já našel pouze u topicu s pandoras battery v tutoriálech a to ve verzi 1.2. Ve verzi 2.3 již umožňuje naintalovat rovnou při flashnutý nainstalovat několik důležitých pluginů (CXMB, Hold+, UMDdumper, Alternative VSHmenu, atd.) Jako jádro pužívá Despertar Cemetrio v7 (může i starší), nebo Noobz 1.50 downgrader (pouze fat) anebo Time Machine v0.1.

Použití je sice o něco težší než ve verzi 1.2, ale pořád je velice intuitivní.

Anglicky changelog posledních verzí (od verze 2):

v2.0 (2008-09-23)
   * Rearranged the GUI.
   * Added all the buttons for use with the Time Machine IPL (except RTrigger).
   * Added an option for DC 5 to be selected via Time Machine IPL.
   * Added Hold+ 2.71 to the Support Tools.

PSP Pandora Deluxe 2.1 (2008-09-29)
   * Added 2 new tabs, Support Tools Options and a Readme.
   * Added the following Support Tools:
         o Alternative VSHMenu 6.1
         o CXMB 3.2.1
         o NetConfigBackup
         o RSPSARDumper 3.5
         o UMDumper 3.00   

PSP Pandora Deluxe 2.1 (2008-09-29)

v2.2 (2008-10-03)
- Added Internet Update function
- Added Load and Save functions for Configurations.

v2.3 (2008-10-11)
- Fixed problem with 1.50 Kernel Addon selection.
- Added the following Support Tools:
Hellcat's Recovery Flasher 1.32 (Pandora)
AutoStartPRX 5 (XMB)
CPU-Modulator 0.20 (XMB)
CW Cheat 0.2.2 Rev D (XMB)

A ještě anglicky kompletně co to umí:

What it does:

- Formats your PSP Memory Stick with or withour MSPFormat.

- Installs the TimeMachine IPL to the Memory Stick.

- Checks the Internet for any new versions.

- Loads and Saves Configurations.

- Allows you to select which buttons to use to boot your PSP.

- Copy Official Firmwares 1.50, 3.71, 3.80, 3.90, and 4.01 to your PSP.

- Installs jas0nuk's Pandora ELF+PBP Menu to access all the programs.

- Installs Hellcats Pandora Installer to your PSP.

- Installs the M33 1.50 Kernel Addon Installers to your PSP.

- Installs POPSLoader (with POPS 3.30, 3.40, 3.51, and 3.72) to your PSP.

- Installs the Noobz Pandora 1.50 Downgrader to your PSP.

- Installs Despertar Cementerio v3 to your PSP.

- Installs Despertar Cementerio v4 to your PSP.

- Installs Despertar Cementerio v5 to your PSP.

- Installs Despertar Cementerio v7 to your PSP.

- Installs Time Machine v0.1 to your PSP.

- Installs Support Tools executable from either Pandora or XMB.

Alternative VSHMenu 6.1

Config Cleaner 3.00

CXMB 3.2.1

FuSa screenShoot

FuSa SD 1.0.47

Hold+ 2.71

JoySens 1.42b

KeyCleaner 1.4

MemoryStick-Tool v1.5

nandTool 0.40 Final NEO


PSP Filer 5.6

RSPSARDumper 3.5

UMDumper 3.00

Dark_Alex USB Version Fake

How to use it:

1. Start the Application and load in the Eboot files.

2. Select your PSP Drive to be formatted and prepared.

3. Select the "Installation Options" and choose the installers, programs, and other options you would like to do to your Memory Stick.

4a.(Optional) If you selected to install the XMB or Pandora Support Tools, you will need to go to the "Support Tools Options" tab and select the programs that you want to install.

4b.(Optional) Go back to the "Firmware+Pandora Options" and use the Pandora Button Configurator to set up the buttons to your liking.

5. Press the "Start" button to start formatting and copying files to your PSP.

Screen a download:




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