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Dungeon Siege


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Prosím fandy D.S.

Jsem u questu 27-Bloodshadow.

Jsou zde ukoly:

Temple of the Earth-splněno

Sparing Wastes-ne

Fortrees of Doom-ne


Jde o to že nevím absolutne kam jít….jak splnit Sparing Wastes?a další?

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Zkopírováno z Gamefaqs:

(27) Bloodshadow
- This is the last quest from Fader Gaul, so lets get to it and make our way
out of this desolate wasteland. Time to get ourselves to the Temple of the
Earth. This took me a bit to figure out.

[] Temple of the Earth - Head back to the Teleporter in Eshadune, near Fader
Gaul. Then head south until you see the gray stone rim of Eshadune. Get up onto
it, this might take a bit of massaging since there are invisible walls that
stop you from walking in certain areas. Once you're on the rim follow it to the
west until you see the temple. Head on in! Take note that this place is fairly
easy if you are using ranged attacks, although it is quite hard for melee
characters due to how powerful the Vagar in here can be. Also, see (28) The

[] Searing Wastes - Once you reach the exit to the Temple, the quest log will
update and show you this bad boy. 

[] Fortress of Doom - Make your way to the west, to the Fortress of Doom. Once
you get inside, then this quest is done. Be careful in here, this place is 
damn near unplayable. Each individual monster is more than a match for even the
Stone Golem follower and Taar is basically a one hit kill here. The Dire Wolves
are the worst offenders, one out of about every ten spells would hit them.
However if you stick to regular attacks you should be okay. Just keep making
your way to the north-west.

[] Bloodshadow - After enough time you will encounter two Vagar Warlocks (very
hard to hurt with magic but easy enough with ranged attacks) and a humongous
warlock named Dreadlord Bloodshadow. He is really just an uber powerful Warlock
so get to using the ranged (or melee) attacks on him and he will die without
too much difficulty. Do be careful that you don't get swarmed though.

[] The Siege - This comes up after you beat Bloodshadow. You have to make your
way out of the Fortress of Doom and head outside. Once you are back outside you can go through where the big gate was standing before.

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