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Potřebuju úkol do angličtiny zadní zní Read these three situatins. Think of an explanation for each one.

A) A girl in a mirror and screamed.

B) A man bought a newspaper, read it, then jumped into a river.

C) A women went shopping. When she got home, she opened her bags, screamed and ran away .

Potřebuju to ještě dnes tak do 22:00 a má to byt tak 7 vět ale stačí jen a nebo b nobo c Děkuji :?

Potřebuju úkol do angličtiny zadní zní Read these three situatins. Think of an explanation for each one.

A) A girl in a mirror and screamed.

B) A man bought a newspaper, read it, then jumped into a river.

C) A women went shopping. When she got home, she opened her bags, screamed and ran away .

Potřebuju to ještě dnes tak do 22:00 a má to byt tak 7 vět ale stačí jen a nebo b nobo c Děkuji :?

Ještě to platí nebo ti už někdo poslal PM?


It was beatiful day, when one man left his home.

He goes to his work like every day.

When he bought a newspaper, then he read the sports results.

Suddenly he heard a scream from the river.

Without hesitation he jumped to the river and save a pretty woman.

They swam to the bank, then they went to the hospital.

After this situacion, they are partners.

Hele já myslim, že sem to stihnul, tak by mohl bejt nějakej bonus ne... :)


C) Annie came home with her bags, opened it and screamed. On the low of her bag there was something a bit small and purple. She picked it up, looked at it and ran away from her bags. The small piece of something was a human finger! She called police and went to the shopping centre where she bought her meat. Police found out that one of workers has got injured hand. He told police he is very sorry because when he was cutting the meat, he injured himself and cut his two fingers. So where do YOU think is the second finger??

DJ RICHIE: mas tam plno gramatickych chyb ;)...(tim nerikam ze u me se zadna nenajde :D)


Samatha Morgan goes to a shop each morning, but today happend something what she probably never forget. As I said she went to a shop and bought some stuff like bottle of milk, some bread, few eggs, a magazine and another unimportant things. As usual she paid for purchase and went home. The biggest suprise waited for her at home. When she arived to her flat, she opened a bag and saw something strange on the bread. She broke it in a half and she very quickly recognised what was wrong with a bread. She found a hand, a human hand baked in the bread. She was terrified to a death, so she dropped a bag and runaway with a loud scream.

Z vlastní zkušenosti, akorát tam defaultně byla myš. Máma ječela a já se chlámal, že mám chleba s bílkovinama xD

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