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  • 3 months later...

ja bych chtel remake system shock protoze to je pomerne stara hra ale novy engine a grafika tak bysme se vsici posrali strachy


Hmm. Silent hill jsem zkoušel .Bohužel mě to velmi zklamalo. Naprosto nemožná kamera, která se co pět vteři otáčí tak že kouká hrdinovi do xichtu (takže vůbec není vidět kam jdu), venku mlha na 5 metrů (takže vůbec není vidět kam jdu) apod. Vlastně se to hrálo tak nějak poslepu, protže jsem nepojoval s protivníky, hádamkami či příběhem ale téměř pořád jen s kamerou abych viděl tam kam chci. :-(


No já jel na PC. I tam bylo tlačítko co hýbne kameru přímo za mě. Ale proč ho bylo třeba mačkat co 5 sekund?

Druhá věc je, že v hromadě místností tohle nefungovalo a kamery byly umístněný na pevnejch místech. Zase takovjech naprosto nepraktickejch. proč abhc se rozhlídnul po místnosti ji musím oběhnout celou dokola?

Prostě mi to nesedlo.

  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

Mame tu nejake novy screeny a informacie o Sillent Hill Origins....

New stuff on Silent Hill Origins have been hard to come by after the previews released around summer last year. For Silent Hill fans eager to get this game on their PSP, rejoice, for the game is alive and kicking (or screaming? this is, after all, Silent Hill). Game Informer has new details and screenshots regarding the game. In fact they even have an exclusive hands on preview of the game Climax was entrusted by Konami to develop.

Details so far? Combat is initiated by holding R. While holding R, pressing X allows you to attack, square lets you block. Holding down X can let you charge attacks with whatever implement you happen to have at the time - fists if you're a poor sad soul. Walking up to twitching half dead bodies of opponents - a crazed Nurse in Game Informers case - and pressing X allows you to finish them off. In their case, via a head stomp courtesy of lead character and unfortunate trucker, Travis O'Grady.

You can cycle through targets and lock on to ones you want to. There are context sensitive moments where controls change depending on the situation you're in - jamming a button to break free from a grab. Also, true to Silent Hill form, there are firearms but as expected, ammo is limited, and yes, there will be puzzles.

Tapping L lets you fix the camera behind your lead character, if in case the new camera set up they've got turns out to be unruly, and you happen to get confused as to where you are.

Game Informer notes that while the grim and static-filtered graphics was on a much smaller screen, the version of the game they played was scary enough to get their PSP messy with the sweat and skin-oil from their palms, and their heart beating as if they were running while playing the game.




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