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TPO dress principle - for the election of a Man polo shirt TPO English Time place object are three words the first letter of the acronym. T on behalf of the time, season, season, time; P representative of the location, occasion, job; O on behalf of the purpose of the object. Dress of the TPO is one of the world prevailing principle of dressing up the most basic principle. It requires the costumes should strive for harmony, to harmony for the United States. Dress with time, season to coincide with the season; want with occasions where the environment, with different national, regional, national coincide with the different customs; identity of the people in line with the dress; want, depending on the purpose of exchanges, contacts between the object selection costumes, gives a good impression. 1. Occasion dress - men's shirts attention select points Occasion dress Important social activities: At the election of the quality of art has a sense of exquisite fabrics, color to white or black for the best, with a dark suit could be perfect embodiment of a sense of decency. Recommend a solid color has Takifugu exquisite jacquard fabric. Choose style shirt dress British, French is fitted polo shirt, dress shirt. Formal business occasions: Choose high-grade cotton fabrics, color selection of plain or striped clean Check relatively cool fabric. Embodies the calm and texture, focus on cutting demonstrated grade. Work and daily activities: leisure wear of shirts, fabrics can be chosen slightly formal refinement or crisp monochrome stripes, Check fabric with a solemn feeling of uncertainty in the workplace. Fabrics can also be considered based on individual career needs of selected personality temperament stylish color and partial highlights synchronized leisure spots easily fashion a sense of the workplace. Choose style shirt dress British, American casual shirts, collar shirts series fashion show, stand-collar polo shirt.

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