ojtisek Odesláno Duben 9, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Duben 9, 2009 V čem spočívá achievement puzzle? Nevíte jak ho udělat? Citovat
Nechda Odesláno Květen 28, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 28, 2009 Taky se vám stává že vám doskakují texutry například z méně detailní na vysokou detailnost. Stává se to třeba když rychle otočim kameru tak jsou textury míň detailní a potom zase skočej do těch vysokejch detailů. Dělá vám to taky? BTW HDD nemám. Citovat
Moderators romeno Odesláno Květen 28, 2009 Moderators Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 28, 2009 Me to teda nedelalo a hdd sem taky nemel . Ale mel sem origo :) Ja myslim ze to bude spatne vypaleny... Citovat
3FF3CT Odesláno Květen 28, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 28, 2009 Mě to nedělá, origo nemám, HDD nemám, možná se ti zahřívá Xko Citovat
Nechda Odesláno Květen 28, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 28, 2009 NN, nezahřívá. Nemůže to být mechanikou, že by četla nějak pomaleji? Můžete to někdo zkusit takhle: Zastavte s nějakou károu, namiřte kameru doleva a potom se podívejte doprava v tu chvíli byste měli vidět jak se ty textury měněj. Nebo je to médiem? Je to na starym 2,4x Emtecu. Citovat
Moderators romeno Odesláno Květen 28, 2009 Moderators Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 28, 2009 Emtecu ? Tak to se ani nedivim . Jinak to muze byt i tim jestli nemas flashlou mechaniku na nizsi rychlost nez 12x . Poznas to jednoduse tak , ze mechanika neni hlucna... Citovat
Nechda Odesláno Květen 28, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 28, 2009 No, mechanika má flash od Kanalozátora a hlučná docela je, takže asi pojede full-speed. Zkusim tedy jiný media. Edit: Tak už vim proč to dělá. Oficiální vyjádření od tvůrců: Hi,The problem is with the texture streaming, I haven’t been able to view the St Pete’s image but I have an idea of what the issue is. Basically at any given time high res textures are being loaded into memory to be displayed on the buildings (Mesh isn’t streamed as such but is loaded in chunks depending on the cameras point of view, I’m not a programmer and I’m sure the technology has lots of cool names but that’s how us Artists see it working!) the low res textures are permanently in memory, the idea being that the high res texture will be loaded in at such a distance that you won’t see the texture “pop” in. The streamer buffer is a fixed size and if we were making a made up city we could design our tracks so that we’d only see a certain amount on screen at one time and never “overfill” the streamer. The problem is that all the cities in PGR are real and this can be a right ball ache sometimes! Some cities just don’t lend themselves to being recreated in video games* and a result of that is the amount of textures just swamps the streamer in certain areas. Now, if we weren’t trying to recreate something that is there in reality we could chop and change buildings so it would fit better but as this is PGR we just can’t do that so we have to optimize as much as we can until we hit a sweet spot and unfortunately sometimes this sweet spot just isn’t hit 100% of the time, resulting in textures streaming in late under certain circumstances. It’s an art issue at the end of the day, the code is written and we have to work within the boundaries of the tech, be that as it may it isn’t an exact science, sometimes a streaming bug just isn’t reproducible. Speed of the car, the type of car, the number of cars on track, weather, direction of the camera are just some of the many variables that can make up the precise circumstances to reproduce the streaming bugs. The faster you drive the harder the streamer has to work, constantly swapping in high res textures as you drive around the city, if you hear the DVD go into over drive then this is why! I’m not an engineer but the condition of the disc and the drive would surely have a knock on effect to the performance of the game, at the very least a dirty disc isn’t going to do you any favours. As the 360 doesn’t have the hard drive as standard we can’t install games to it. I may be wrong but I’m sure MS forbids anyone to install games from the DVD to the hdd, to do this would result in a failure during certification, but really this is a question best answered by MS. I hope that answers your questions as to why these issues happen, all the cities are tested thoroughly, each of the artists puts in tens if not hundreds of hours just looking for issues like this but even with all the will in the world some bugs slip through. Unfortunately it isn’t a problem that can be fixed by an update Any other questions just ask Cheers Alan Citovat
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