D4X Odesláno Duben 20, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Duben 20, 2009 Zdravím, chceme jet s kámošema někam do ciziny o prázkách. Vidíme to na nějakej sběr jahod v Irsku apod. ale nedaří se nám najít něco solidního. Nevíte o něčem? Citovat
siki Odesláno Duben 20, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Duben 20, 2009 Mám podobný problém hned bych taky jel jenže problém je najít solidní agenturu která ti to všechno zajistí a proto by to chtělo doporučení od někoho kdo má zkušenosti .....jinak nabídek je na internetu celkem dost ale nikdy nevíš jestli už to není zabrané nebo to není podvod prostě to chce solidní agenturu a taky se přimlouvám kdyby někdo něco našel :) Citovat
razziel Odesláno Duben 20, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Duben 20, 2009 jj taky se primlouvam pokud by nekdo vedel dam thx Citovat
Mačo Odesláno Duben 20, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Duben 20, 2009 Je doba ekonomicke krize brigady se shaneji celkem tezce .. jinak zkuste mrknout neco na guglu nasel jsem tohle : http://www.spofin.com/hops/main.htm Citovat
xDante1986 Odesláno Duben 20, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Duben 20, 2009 omg tak tu přestaňte spamovat a dohodavat a prostě jen odpovídejte na co se autor ptal, jinak to zas dopadne že tu bude kopa sra..... a nikdo nenajde to podstatný Citovat
opqr597 Odesláno Květen 4, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 4, 2009 I've noticed a lot of people tend to ignore gray items when farming, don't completely loot corpses (which makes my skinner angry), or loot it then throw it away.Silly people.You know those Elemental Fragments that you get when farming primal motes?Or most importantly, random 2 handed weapons? hah!Keep in mind, that although you might not need it, the vendors will still gladly pay you loads of cash for these items, and every bit counts when you're short on cash.In 2 hours of farming you may end up with 10 or more stacks of elemental fragments (just as an example).10x20x 11s85c = 23g 70s That's right, cheap wow gold !!2 handed weapons? Gray swords can sell for 1-4 world of warcraft gold "each". 2 handed maces and staves for 3-8 wow gold each.Random animal meat when cooked can still sell for some cash to other players. It'll vary per server whether people actually buy stat food off the auction house, but anything beats throwing it away.Sure you might be thinking "I don't have room for all that crap when i'm farming for a certain item or resource". Well then just make room. A small 5 minute trip to town every hour is probably worth more than whatever you can farm normally in that same time. Ofcourse getting bigger bags, smart use of alt-banks, personal guild banks, and disenchanting or selling redundant gear will ensure you need to visit town less often. Always make sure you have plenty of inventory space when you go out to "farm" anything specific.Humanoid mobs especially love to give you all manner of gray junk to sell.Green item you don't need? Have a friend disenchant it if you can't do it yourself.How to make wow gold:Everything is worth moneyHow to make wow gold :With disenchantingHow to make wow goldo's and Don'ts for the AHHow to make wow gold :Green gemsHow to make wow gold:How to use the AHHow to make wow gold:Buying itemsHow to make wow gold :Farming hotspotsGet more click here:http://www.inwowgold.com/ By the way ,We have done a great number of orders for wow gold and have hundreds of orders for wow power leveling currently. Buy wow gold here. Citovat
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