LoCo99 Odesláno Květen 20, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 20, 2009 Prosim , nemáte někdo/ nevíte někdo , kde sehnat zadní kolečka na tydle brusle ? nemůžu je najít Citovat
lsx008857 Odesláno Květen 29, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 29, 2009 We`d like to aks you ,how do you know where did the nickname of "air jordan" and "his airness"come from? Because of the NBA team, many including michael jordan, began to refer to the residents of North Carolina derogatorily as tarboilers. Air jordan themselves were nicknamed the tar and turpentine state. These terms make sense. How the jordan shoes got on the fame of All over the world ,buy jordan shoes another matter entirely. There are many legends and tales to explain these nickname. The earliest comes from the Revolutionary War. According to this story, jordan shoes had been dumped into what is now well-known as the MJ to impede the crossing of all jordan shoes. This caused the sportsmen to say that anyone wading through the rivers of America would get nice reputation. Citovat
Návštěvník Odesláno Květen 24, 2010 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 24, 2010 Ahoj, prodam celou sadu za 1250,- ... Sada obsahuje: 2x mala kolecka, 2x velka kolecka, 2x Citovat
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