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Resonance of Fate (End of Eternity)

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Nove jRPG od tvurcu zname serie Star Ocean. Informaci zatim moc neni, ale hra byla alespon potvrzena pro zapadni trh pod zmenenym nazvem Resonance of Fate.Eoelogo.JPG

End of Eternity (Resonance of Fate)

Tvurce: tri-Ace

JP: Q4 2009



Official Website | Wikipedia

Trailer: http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/rpg/endofeternity/video/6209937/resonance-of-fate-trailer-1?hd=1

Debut trailer: http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/rpg/endofeternity/video/6208873/end-of-eternity-debut-trailer-jpn-?hd=1

Neco malo z pribehu:

End of Eternity takes place far in the future on an Earth whose environment has gotten so bad that people have moved into a giant mechanized tower called Bazel. This tower reaches far up into the sky. The upper floors house religious facilities, including the religious leader who's known as the "Cardinal," and the rich. The lower floors house the poor as well as mining areas.

Bazel's creation is far in the past as the game kicks off. We're introduced to three characters: the 17-year-old male Zaphyr, the 26-year-old male Vashyron, and the 19-year-old female Subject #20. Zaphyr, the game's main character, and Vashyron live together and work for a private military firm. Subject #20 was manufactured for an experiment which required that she be set to die at 20 years of age. Upon learning how little she has to live, she fled her research facility.

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