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Mělo by to fungovat ten firefox speeder nevim co stim bylo ale me to slo ..

Když nepujdte tak mi pošlete PM ja nahraju novou verzi ..

# Changelog
version 1.1
-Added Send Mail
-Added Steal Steam Acc
version 1.2
-fix bug vmware
-delete encryption generator
-add fake message
- Input your mail sender
- added ICQ
- added Trillian
- added Miranda
- added AndRQ
- added RAS
- added filezilla
- added pidgin
- added aim
- added aim 6 (password hash :P )
- added new antiwireshark
- added paltalk steal
- added binder



File Info

Report generated: 6.1.2009 at 18.10.39 (GMT 1)

Filename: Hackhound Stealer.exe

File size: 196 KB

MD5 Hash: F3BB1F57E1086ECBDDC0E2C09DE8E8DF

SHA1 Hash: 4CEBAF80CA1141B71FC5E6FF81EB8DB1A9774396

Packer detected: Borland Delphi 6.0 - 7.0

Self-Extract Archive: Nothing found

Binder Detector: Nothing found

Detection rate: 0 on 24


a-squared - Nothing found!

Avira AntiVir - Nothing found!

Avast - Nothing found!

AVG - Nothing found!

BitDefender - Nothing found!

ClamAV - Nothing found!

Comodo - Nothing found!

Dr.Web - Nothing found!

Ewido - Nothing found!

F-PROT 6 - Nothing found!

G DATA - Nothing found!

IkarusT3 - Nothing found!

Kaspersky - Nothing found!

McAfee - Nothing found!

MHR (Malware Hash Registry) - Nothing found!

NOD32 v3 - Nothing found!

Norman - Nothing found!

Panda - Nothing found!

Quick Heal - Nothing found!

Solo Antivirus - Nothing found!

Sophos - Nothing found!

TrendMicro - Nothing found!

VBA32 - Nothing found!

Virus Buster - Nothing found!

Scan report generated by


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