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Nevzpomínám si na nic zvláštního v téhle misi, ale našel jsem návod:

7.4.3 --Episode 4, Part 2 'Into the Cold'--

First off sneak up behind the guard and knife him. Go around the corner and

knife the next guard. After this boost Maggie up to the ledge.


You need to protect Maggie so fend off the 10 or so guys.


Next you need to turn on your IR goggles and you can sneak behind some of the

guys and knife them. If you get scene just gun them all down but there are a

lot. After this Head on up the hill and shoot down these guys here. It's best

to use the EXP darts here. After that a transport truck will come through so

use an EXP dart on it or just shoot it up.


This will be the first time you play Maggie Powers in the Syphon Filter series

and the first time you switch characters in this game. This is just like the

first levels in Dark Mirror where you covered Lian. Just snipe all the baddies

and tell Gabe to move. The last wave, however, has full body armor so shoot

their legs.


You will need to blow up the tank so just run from cover to cover zig-zagging

and you'll be fine. Pop up and shoot the baddies and there and just run right

up to the tank. On the right are the explosives so plant them and run.


Nevzpomínám si na nic zvláštního v téhle misi, ale našel jsem návod:

7.4.3 --Episode 4, Part 2 'Into the Cold'--

First off sneak up behind the guard and knife him. Go around the corner and

knife the next guard. After this boost Maggie up to the ledge.


You need to protect Maggie so fend off the 10 or so guys.


Next you need to turn on your IR goggles and you can sneak behind some of the

guys and knife them. If you get scene just gun them all down but there are a

lot. After this Head on up the hill and shoot down these guys here. It's best

to use the EXP darts here. After that a transport truck will come through so

use an EXP dart on it or just shoot it up.


This will be the first time you play Maggie Powers in the Syphon Filter series

and the first time you switch characters in this game. This is just like the

first levels in Dark Mirror where you covered Lian. Just snipe all the baddies

and tell Gabe to move. The last wave, however, has full body armor so shoot

their legs.


You will need to blow up the tank so just run from cover to cover zig-zagging

and you'll be fine. Pop up and shoot the baddies and there and just run right

up to the tank. On the right are the explosives so plant them and run.


ok, moc díky a nevíš něco jak spustit ten multiplayer ?


Taková základní věc

Musíš si udělat účet na Store


Musite dat datum narozeni tak ,aby vám bylo více jak 18. Musíte vybrat MASTER ACCOUNT. Pak v hesle musí být čísla například. syphon77

Pak vam prijde mail,asi do 24 hodin,tak to potvrdte.

A pak jen ve hře zadejte údaje email a heslo.

Taková základní věc

Musíš si udělat účet na Store


Musite dat datum narozeni tak ,aby vám bylo více jak 18. Musíte vybrat MASTER ACCOUNT. Pak v hesle musí být čísla například. syphon77

Pak vam prijde mail,asi do 24 hodin,tak to potvrdte.

A pak jen ve hře zadejte údaje email a heslo.

ON tu základní věc má, ale jak píše nejdou mu tam napsat čísla, ale tobě dekuji za návod.

EDIT//Zapomnel jsi na dulezitou vec:

Az vám dojde mail tak to potvrdíte linkem co máte v mailu a ptom musite se jeste proklikat dalsima vecma jako vase ulice atd........

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