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WBFS Manager 3.0 Released

The final release of WBFS Manager is now available here at http://wbfsmanager.codeplex.com/Rele...eleaseId=26808. The source code is also now available at the same location (It would be much appreciated if any derivative work retained the donation links and references to the main download site on CodePlex). The released installer has two missing lines from the Italian translation and some missing text from the Chinese version that will be released in short order.

This will be the last major release of WBFS Manager, at least for the next few months. I will make any quick fixes that may be necessary but will be discontinuing active work on the project.

As such I’d like to thank everyone for the great support they showed and the positive feedback from most sceners. It was through your great support that this project was made possible and is now the fourth most downloaded project on CodePlex (in the past 7 days).

I'd like to thank everyone who helped in this project, the donors, the translators, the beta testers and of course the main reasons this was possible, Team Twiizers and Waninkoko. I'd also like to thank RedSquirrel who helped get things going for the Channel Creation feature.


French, courtesy of TheCrach

Italian and Perugino, courtesty of cerocca

German, courtesy of BarbaxX

Spanish, courtesy of dgtor

Dutch, courtesy of villadelfia

Chinese (Traditional), courtesy of IvanChen

Beta Testers:

TroyTheZombie, BIG MOE, the ripper, cwstjdenobs, lavamasta, Wiinie, buby78, zidane_genome, w10a6.

Changes (3.0):

  • Added Channel Creation support. (Disabled by default, to enable go to Options->Channel Creation and Enable. Follow the instructions provided below.)
  • Added "Large Cover View"s, which are two side panels that display the cover for the currently selected item.
  • Added the option to save different partitions of the Wii disc when adding the disc to the WBFS drive. (Options menu, Advanced tab, "Partiitons to Keep").
  • Added Automatically Check for Updates option (Requires Internet access, can be disabled).
  • Added the option to cancel batch operations (cancellation occurs as soon as the current item is finished).
  • Added drive status indicator under the left-hand list, blue shows amount of used space, green shows amount of used space after adding all entries from the "Games To Add" list.
  • Added Help menu option.
  • Added direct drive-to-drive copying for drive's with similar sector sizes. Drive-To-Drive copying will now first check if it's possible to do direct copying, if not it will revert to indirect copying.

Fixes (3.0):

  • Now automatically requests to Run as Administrator.
  • Fixed the estimated size being wrong for some games.
  • Fixed an issue with CSV files being exported incorrectly sometimes.
  • Save expander states, so the user doesn't have to keep re-opening them each time.
  • Fixed Homebrew Channel creation. (Now using WiiCrazy's USB Loader DOL instead of Yal).
  • Fixed an issue with the "Estimated Total Size" not updating correctly when games were removed from the right-hand list.
  • Now checks the filesystem type of a drive before loading to make sure it's not NTFS, FAT or ext.
  • Fixed an issue with games with ":" or other special characters causing issues during batch extraction.
  • Fixed issue with game regions showing up incorrectly in initial 2.5 release.
  • Fixed issue with RAR files in subfolders not being detected during drag and drop operations.
  • Removed thousandth of a seconds from elapsed time in progress bar.
  • Fixed mislabled blocks status (was Blocks Used, should be Blocks Free).
  • Fixed some other minor issues.
  • Changed installer (now prompts for .NET 3.5 SP1 before installing, also gives options for installing langauges, etc).

Channel Creation notes:


Exercise caution when using any channel files from any source as they may result in a banner brick. It’s recommended that you have preloader or some other form of banner brick protection on your Wii before using custom Channels. It’s much safer to use Hombrew Channel entries (which have been fixed in this version). Only create System Menu channels if you know what your doing!

I will not be held responsible for any damage caused to your console as a result of channel creation (or any other use of this software).


  • To enable channel creation, go to Edit->Options and click on the Channel Creation tab. Then specify the base WAD file that you want to use, the location of the common-key.bin file, as well as the loader that you want to use. Click OK to confirm the changes.
  • Once channel creation has been enabled, you can choose one or more entries on the Games To Add list then click "Create Channels" (or right click and choose "Create Channels").
  • If you choose multiple entries, you will be asked to choose a folder to save the WAD files in and a batch creation process will begin.
  • If you choose a single entry, you will be prompted for the 4 letter Channel ID you want to use and where you want to save the file.
  • Be careful with the Channel IDs you choose, if you have an existing channel with the same ID, it will be overwritten when you install the channel.
  • If you want, you can specify a USB loader DOL file other than the packaged presets. To do this, fill in the "USB Loader DOL File" setting with the DOL file you want to use, then type in the placeholder title ID in the "Title ID Placeholder" field, then click OK to confirm the changes.
  • A base WAD is not included with this application, you must supply your own. It is best to use a WAD file that belongs to a channel and one that is the same region as your console.
  • The common-key.bin file is not included with this application, you must supply the common-key.bin file.


.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (the installer will prompt you to automatically download and install it if you don't already have it.)

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows Vista (tested thoroughly. May need to "Run as Administrator" depending on user's settings and UAC settings).
  • Windows 7 (tested and working. May need to "Run as Administrator" depending on user's settings and UAC settings).
  • Windows XP (tested by a few other users, should work fine.)

Originally Posted by AlexDP


Nie je to na pridávanie iso na wbfs particiu

No to jsi mu to objasnil :-D

Je to program ktery ti predela externi harddisk (ktery je na USB) aby z nej sly spoustet zalohovane hry na Wii... staci mit jen ISO soubor hry (ten ze ktereho se hra vypaluje) a pres tenhle programek ho dostat na ten disk...

Cele je to trosku slozitejsi protoze disk musis bud rozdelit (kde na jednom budou JEN HRY NA WII a na druhem normalni data do PC) nebo nechat ho jen pro Wiicko (v takovem pripade na nej ale v PC nic neulozis)

Nacitani her je pak rychlejsi a pohodlnejsi (nemusis menit DVDcka jen si vyberes co chces spustit ze seznamu)

Me spis zajima jestli to fici i s verzema wii jako je 3.1E 3.3E 3.4E


Přesně tak.Program slouží k vytvoření specialního partitionu (formatu) buď na Hardisku,SD nebo flash paměti.

Pak jen stačí nakopirovat nebo přimo v tomto programu udělat zálohu originálu hry (iso).Je to pohodlnější a hlavně se šetří jak mechanika ve Wii,která u většiny her se může doslova strhat a také si drahé DVD se hrami neponičíte.

Z Hardisku by mohl být ideální tento kousek za docela rozumnou cenu.Ale nezkoušel jsem ho.Je asi zbytečné dělit PC Hardisk na dva či více partitionu.


Pak jen stačí uložit na SD kartu USB Loader GX.







Update na nejnovější verzi lze přímo v programu přes net.


Zkoušel jsem na verzi 3.2E z flash disku.Bohužel jen 8GB,takže jsem si toho moc neužil. :cry:


Tak abych byl taky trosku uzitecny :) prinasim par postrehu...

Zkusil jsem disk (WD 250GB Passport) rozdelit na 2 disky ... naformatovane puvodne na NTFS...nasledne jsem na druhy nechal naformatovat na WBFS (pres WBFS Manager 3.0) to bohuzel nefungovalo a LOADER hlasil ze nevidi spravnou partition... ok nabidl mi format tak jsem dal OK a po chvili hodil ERROR -2 :) cert vi co to znamena...

Znova jsem zapojil disk do kompiku...naformatoval ho cely na jedinou partition NTFS...nasledne v WBFS Manager udelal z celeho disku WBFS... :) nahral jsem tam ISO s WIIPLAY... vsechno krasne poznalo ale kdyz spustim hru tak mi wii vytuhne behem pokusu nabootovat... ok hodil jsem do Wii hru BALANCE CHALENGE a nevedomky ji nechal ulozit na HDD :) (primo pres Konzoli Wii) a hra jede kraaaaaaaasne...

ted jdu zjistit jestli muze byt vice partition s tim ze Wiickovska musi byt prvni :) (primarni a ne logicka) a taky me zajima jestli to PLAY je jen nahoda (nahravam tam z isa jinou hru)


Tak mame tady prvni bugy :) na ktere je treba dat si pozor...

1. Obcas LOADER nevidi disk :) netusim proc...ale staci vetsinou opakovat postup vytazeni ze zasuvky pripadne zmenit USB port... dokud se proste nechytne... typickym prikladem je kdyz vam po nabehnuti vyskoci tabulka s volbou IOSu...je jedno co zvolite kdyz se vam ukaze je neco spatne (hlavne nedavejte IOS222...soft brick)

2. Pote co nactete hru hrajete a mate chut na zmenu nesmite odejit pres domecek (nasledne nepomuze ani pokud vyberete MENU ani kdyz vyberete RESET) sice se vratite do hlavni obrazovky ale pokud zkusite pustit dalsi hru... ouha... soft brick...(vytazeni ze zasuvky) dokonce ani kdyz date domecek a MENU a nasledne stisknete RESET na konzoli tak se nic nemeni...stale vam konzole zamrzne :( Jedine reseni je po kazde hre kdyz se vratite do menu vypnout wii a znova ho zapnout...


Covers se stahují z netu přímo v Loaderu a mužeš si vybrat v jakém formátu.

Dokonce si bez problému můžeš stáhnout i potisk DVD.Automaticky se doplní náraz všechny obaly co chybí.Podmínkou je,že musíš být v klasickém menu Loaderu.Názvy pod sebou a Covers v levé části.Pak jen stačí vybrat hru,klepnout na obal (No Image) a vybrat požadovaný formát.V 3D menu se hra přímo spouští.

Vypadá to dost dobře.


asi jsem to spatne napsal...

Wii neni pripojeno k internetu... obal se stahne sam (je to tak nastavene ve WBFS manageru) jenze kdyz pak spustim USB Loader (ktery jsem nainstaloval do Wiicka pres WAD manager) tak tam je moznost zadat cestu k obalum... themum atp. defaultne je tam SD:\covers\ ... tak jsem vlozil SD kartu...na ni udelal slozku covers ... nasledne do ni nahral vsechny obaly... a stejne to nefici :)

Zkusil jsem i menit nazvy slozky atp. nic...


Tak nevím.Já obaly stáhuji a aktualizuji přes USB Loader (wad verze).Žádný adresář jsem pro obaly nevytvářel.

USB Loader udělal sám při instalaci SD:\images , ve kterém jsou již přímo png soubory a ještě je v tomto adresáři vnořen disc adresář a v něm png soubory popisu dvd.

Pouze jsem vytvořil adresář SD:\wtheme.Do něho nasypal (rozbalil obsah nějakého Theme packu.Bohužel když chci téma změnit musím obsah adresáře kompletně přepsat.

Rád bych toto téma již nerozebíral.Prostě to funguje a je to super.


Mám kamaráda a ten když viděl Wiičko byl jak Alenka v říši divů.Hned ho musel mít.Ale jak se začal seznamovat s Homebrew,s připojením na net atd.,tak to vzdal.

Wiičko má teď jako bytový doplněk a sem tam si jeho děti zahrají Wii Sport.

Chce to trpělivost,brouzdat netem a číst a číst a číst.


Na správu disků je hodně programů.Při práci s těmito programy doporučuji se držet přísloví "dvakrát měř a jednou řež".

Například velice šikovný a přehledný je Paragon Partition Manager.

Zde najdete seznam podporovaných USB zařízení

Wii USB Devices Compatibility List


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