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Tady to zatím máš v angličtině, ještě se pokusím to přeložit do češtiny

Revenge Revisited
Complete Story Mode on hard difficulty.    60G

Endless Hunger
Consume 200 characters to boost your health.   10G

Trail Of Corpses
Kill 53,596 infected.   30G

Wrecking Yard
Destroy 2,000 vehicles.   20G

Destroy 25 Infected Water Towers before they hatch.   20G

Brain Trust
Complete all Consume Events.   20G

Collect all Landmark collectibles scattered across New York City.   50G

Collect all Hint Collectibles scattered across New York City.   40G

Complete a mission without causing a single Military Alert.   10G

Mankind Is Your Mask
Complete 3 missions without causing a single Military Alert.   40G

The Butcher
Kill 50 characters in 5 seconds.   30G

Return Fire
Catch any object tossed by a Hydra; and throw it back.   10G

Destroy 20 Helicopters in a single Helicopter flight.   10G

Kill 15 characters with a single Whipfist attack.   10G

The First Thread
Unlock the Web of Intrigue.   10G

Discover what happened to Alex Mercer through the Web of Intrigue.   20G

Web Of Knowledge
Acquire all nodes of the Web of Intrigue.   60G

It’s Him!
Patsy 5 military personnel.   10G

In Plain Sight
Evade 10 strike teams.   10G

Infiltrate 10 Military Bases disguised as a Commander.   20G

Threat Elevated
Destroy 25 strike teams.   20G

Seize 50 vehicles from enemy hands.   10G

Gain the ability to drive and fly all vehicles.   20G

Shoot down 50 helicopters while driving armor.   10G

Evolutionary Step
Use the Upgrade Menu to acquire an Upgrade.   10G

Unnatural Selection
Acquire all available upgrades.   40G

The Cleaner
Destroy 10 Military Bases or Infected Hives in New York City.   20G

In The Web
Consume 50 Web Targets.   20G

Achieve a rating of Gold or better in all Events.   40G

Nice Guy
Complete the game while consuming 10 Civilians or fewer.   40G

Hard To Kill
Complete Story Mode in any difficulty without dying.   60G

Speed Bumps
Run over 500 characters in a single tank.   20G

Achieve a Platinum Medal in all Events.   60G

Secret Achievements

Secret Achievement
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.   10G

Secret Achievement
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.   10G

Secret Achievement
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.   20G

Secret Achievement
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.   20G

Secret Achievement
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.   40G

Secret Achievement
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.   20G

Secret Achievement
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.   20G

EDIT: Tak tady je to v CZ (dělal jsem co jsem mohl):

Revenge Revisited
Dokonči příběh na obtížnost Hard.    60G

Endless Hunger
Skonzumuj 200 postav pro doplnění zdraví.   10G

Trail Of Corpses
Zabij 53,596 infikovaných.   30G

Wrecking Yard
Znič 2,000 vozidel.   20G

Znič 25 infikovaných vodních věží dříve, než se odtamtud vyklubou.   20G

Brain Trust
Dokonči všechny "Consume Events".   20G

Posbírej všechny "Mezníky" rozmístěné po New Yorku.   50G

Posbírej všechny "Tipy" rozmístěné po New Yorku.   40G

Dokonči misi bez vyvolání Armádního poplachu.   10G

Mankind Is Your Mask
Dokonči 3 mise bez vyvolání Armádního poplachu.   40G

The Butcher
Zabij 50 postav za 5 vteřín.   30G

Return Fire
Chytni kterýkoliv objekt odhozený "Hydrou"; a hoď ho zpět.   10G

Znič 20 helikoptér v boji helikoptér.   10G

Zabij 15 postav útokem "Whipfist".   10G

The First Thread
Odemkni "Web of Intrigue".   10G

Vypátrej, co se stalo Alexi Mercerovi skrz "Web of Intrigue".   20G

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