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Vyjde exkluzivně na PSN již 2. července 2009 a prodávat se bude za $9.99.

"Náš tým pracoval dlouhé hodiny na tom, abychom vám přinesli takový prožitek z first-person střílečky, který bude adekvátní jménu Punisher" řekl Zsolt Kigyossy, generální ředitel ZEN Studios a pokračoval:

"Se skvělými charaktery, systémem přizpůsobení a nabušenou multiplayerovou akcí, je No Mercy v digitálním prostoru opravdu vyjimečnou hrou. Pro fanoušky komixu je tohle rozhodně must-have titul tohoto léta."



Trophy fanatics rejoice! "The Punisher: No Mercy" game, available via download exclusively from PS3's PlayStation Network, will feature twelve trophies to add to your collection. Think you're up to the challenge? Find out when the game hits PSN this Thursday, July 2!

Piece of Cake: Awarded for winning the first map of the Story Mode.

Bullet Magnet: Awarded posthumously for the 50th death suffered while playing Microchip in Story Mode.

Family Photo: Returned to its rightful owner for completing the Story Mode.

Big Gun: Granted for unlocking the missile launcher in Story Mode.

Puzzled: Win the Survival mode in the Single Player Campaign playing Jigsaw and using only a shotgun.

Survivor Benefit: Perform 200 kills playing Finn Cooley in Multiplayer.

Tower Above: Collect more frags than the rest of the players put together playing Barracuda in a Multiplayer match.

Explosives Expert: Blow 100 enemies into a million little pieces with a grenade launcher in Multiplayer.

Weapons Expert: Perform at least one kill with each available weapon playing all eight base characters in Multiplayer.

Survivor: Win a match without dying playing Silver Sable in Multiplayer.

Kiss of Death: Perform 9 kills with a Rhino without being killed or reloading playing Jenny Cesare in Multiplayer.

Swift Delivery: Kill 7 different enemy avatars in an 8-player Multiplayer match without being killed, where each of them is different than your avatar.

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