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Jak Připojit Xbox do auta???


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Zdravim..Máme auto s zadníma obrazovkama a chtěl bych tam připojit Xbox,ale nevim jak..Jsou tam tři konektory na připojení..žlutej,bílej a červenej..Musim koupit nějakou redukci nebo nevíte?? Nemáte někdo s tím zkušenosti? Díky moc..:)

u xboxu standartne dodavana redukce .. chybi ti jen 3cinch kabel ..

neuveritelnej dotaz ..:(

spis mi prozrad jestli mas 220V adapter do auta ..

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Xbox 360 Car Installation


The Xbox 360 is awesome and I decided to install it in my car this weekend. For the holidays I'll be making a road trip up to San Francisco and rather than leave it at home, I figured I'd get some good gaming in on the road. The wireless controller is great for use in the car, no tangled wires.


I put the Xbox under the driver's seat. I'll need to keep it off the carpet as it gets fairly warm. The power supply is running off an AC inverter for now, until the day Microsoft makes a DC power adapter or someone like Opus or Carnetix makes a DC power supply.


I had to get an Xbox 360 VGA HD AV cable from Circuit City in order to hook it up to my VGA LCD. I tried to run it a 848 x 480 (close to the 800 x 480 native resolution of my 7" Widescreen LCD), but it didn't like it. 640 x 480 works well as does 1024 x 768, but I kept it on 640 x 480 as it looked the best and set the aspect ratio to widescreen. All the photos I took were at this resolution.

If you are thinking about putting an Xbox 360 in your vehicle, make sure your LCD has VGA input. Most in-car LCDs are 384 x 234 (or 1152 x 234 if you cheat and count each red, green and blue pixel separately) and you want to more than that for the Xbox 360. Otherwise, don't waste your time and just get a plain old Xbox.


I still have to leave my PC on to power up my LCD, but that can easily be changed. Also, I pipe in the audio from the Xbox into my soundcard line in and it plays nicely in the speakers. My sound card does have a Toslink input, so before the trip I'll pick up a Toslink cable to get 4 channel sound.

Also, I'll need to get a crossover network cable (orange) and I'll connect the Xbox to the PC's ethernet port. I'll share the network connection to that port from the WiFi and I'll be able to connect to Xbox Live when I'm out in front of Starbucks.

But for now, I've returned the Xbox to my television until I head up north for the holidays. If you see me on the 5 north on Dec 23rd, I'll be in the passenger seat playing Xbox and my wife will be driving.

I've received a bunch of emails regarding XBOX 360 Power, so here is what I have:

When I ran my setup, I borrowed a 750W True Sine inverter from work.

My 360 AC Power Brick has the following written on its label

Input 100 - 127V - 5A

Output DC 203W

12V @ 16.5A

5V @ 1A

So, the maximum AC input power is 127V x 5A = 635W

The total DC output power is (12V x 16.5A) + (5V x 1A) = 203W, which adds up to what they say.

My guess is the AC input power is max at 5A, but not nominal, I wouldn't expect the brick to be 203W/635W = 32% efficient. In other words, at 635W input, it would be giving off 432 W of heat.

Anyway, the question is how much inverter power do you really need? Well, anything over 635W would be the max. I'd say that 500W should work for sure. My best guess is that a 300W would be the absolute minimum that would work, but you are going to have to try it. Each inverter manufacturer is different, so a cheapo 300W may not work, but a good 300W inverter might.

If you do manage to get an inverter to work, let me know and I'll add it here for others to see.

Regarding scratching discs, I recommend checking out this mod:


Although I didn't do it, I didn't notice any scratched discs on my drive.

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